They have found something true and real and unavoidably compelling to devote their Everything towards.

By tdf, June 8, 2017

I have faith in the wilderness,

the only place I know where everything matters,

and I seek any hint of the same in humanity,

express myself to those who appear more curious than the other human shapes offering as much intrigue as blades of grass, yet less pretty.

I should have settled for less, far fucking less,

I see this message in the eyes,

I hear it in the tone,

of others who have settled…

Which I can understand, but not respect.

For I respect only those brothers who have found a Woman they openly refer to as their Everything…

They havent settled,

They have found something true and real and unavoidably compelling to devote their huge Everything towards.

And other than fighting the good fight,

there is no richer wine of life that can be drunk,

that feeling a King to a Woman you feel as Queen.

bliss, sweetness and fierce feminine mentalist…

is what I personally seek.

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