I Like…

June 1, 2007

I like sunny, people that are funny and every beautiful honey. I like the good crazy, the skunk that makes me happy and hazy. I like the natural, the actual and the factual. I like to visit new places, observe new faces, and learn the origins of different races. I like to be around big […]

Heart and Mind

June 1, 2007

Going about your business with your heart on your sleeve, Is a way of life in which I truly worship and believe. And I wish there were humans more like this who I could follow Cos life is precious and shouldn’t ever be hollow. The most powerful organ in our bodies box of tools, Is the […]

The FishMonger

June 1, 2007

The fishmonger I’m the loud but shy guy who likes getting high. With a mind working at twice the speed of light, Constantly creating new dreams to chase and demons to fight. And despite my relative lack of physical height, Part of me is always above the clouds in full speed flight, Dreaming of what […]

ice cold gurneys…

June 1, 2007

I am a deep thinker, Capable of embarking on complicated intellectual journeys, Which would send most people, Scuttling at speed to the morgue on ice cold Gurneys… I have a magically mutated mind, Which is both powerful and Fast, But it is my Heart, not my head, that acts like my Oars, my Sail and […]

3 year old eyes

May 24, 2007

For many years, I have felt it deep down within me, A damaged part of my Soul, I could sense and hear screaming out, but not see… And last year, I finally found out the cause, Of the sporadic affliction of the inner wars,  That have plagued me incessantly, Whenever I have been Alone, Off and on […]

vitality is surging

May 17, 2007

I was lost in a sea of self-hatred, Drowning in tears of my own making, Punishing myself so much for something from my past that can’t be changed, That I was Causing the very foundations of my Spirit to be shaking… But with the help of so many others, I am now waking up and […]

Time to say Goodbye

March 25, 2007

She has been there for me, Through the thick and the thin, She has found me when I am down, Erased my scowl , produced a grin… She has lifted my spirits, When they have been sinking, Taken the edge of my emotional awareness, Replaced it with an inability to stop thinking… She has warped […]

i choose to seek truth

November 14, 2006

I might be slow to act, but I think like super fast, I am unique, Not human clay shaped from a well used cast…. I see people for who they are, I got a special kinda sight, When I was born, just for a milisecond, The earth was bathed in an unidentified solar light. Ive […]

sucidal as a skater

November 14, 2006

Fuck all the small-talk, Let’s discuss issues with real meaning, Why don’t we all look at the spiritual state of the world, And agree that it needs thorough cleaning…. Cos we are going wrong, As a race, Fucking things up for our future generations, and every other creature unfortunate enough to have to try exist […]

fish blood in me

November 14, 2006

I love good wine, when the weather is really fine, the sea, maybe ‘cos I got fish blood in me, the beauty that exists in the wild untouched land, the way a palmist can tell your life story just from the lines on your hand, the rebels who fight for peace, and for the wrongfully […]