Nature is an endless poem

August 25, 2024

I spend many hours here, days, weeks, lifetimes through the spring summer and autumn…the dragonflies are returning today, and nearby I see my old dark winged chums the black swans! The wild animals of mainly friendly, inquisitive hue are ubiquitous, the water still wintry chill so clear and inviting, shrill singsong flows from tiny beaks […]

Love those who make your heart feel whole

June 29, 2024

  Us olden day folks… We need to understand, accept… that every day could be our last. Why are so many focused on speaking scripts, prescribed system vital connections to the world and ourselves, broadcast consumed, to cause the many to speak and express top soil vapid? WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE. AT best, […]

Don’t be dead too soon…I ponder in wake and dream these unanswerable questions.

April 9, 2024

I looked him in the eyes many times, I had held him in my arms many months, The vet told me he would soon be just bones. Still… That decision I made. haunts me every second of wakefulness. Had he been human, I suspect I’d feel less, But Oscar…. close to 15 years of finding […]

There is a portal in the waves…

March 23, 2024

There is a portal in the waves, a pathway to a realm where our senses are instantly cleansed, awoken, prised wide open… most potent a journey whilst the CHILL remains, intensified when the Lunar Goddess of the night, is revealing her galactic heart in full bloom… At first i suspected I was conjuring the elements […]

Dune 2 – Villeneuve (REvIEW)

March 10, 2024

  I watched Dune 2 at the cinema earlier this week in nearby Yarraville, an old style theatre… …lengthy, hugely anticipated, have read three of the old man Herbet books, and as weird as they shapeshift, and they do become very weird indeed, the writing remains solid, interesting, wild yet absent of any clear drop […]

These last 7 days….

February 1, 2024

These last 7 days have plumbed new depths of depravity and wretchedness… These next 7 must be recovery of control at the helm of this dangerously listing ship. Zac’s special gathering, an adventure, many strangers, no doubt all curious if not simply thoroughly decent – perched on the frontier, proper wild ocean framing the scene […]

gems in the MEgA ROugH>>>ICe CreAM

January 9, 2024

In a world where millions are listening to the skittle faced ghoul mong Mr Tickley Tekishi9, I dont need to go too far back to find when hippetyhop still bounced and meant something in spirit and street poetry. I’ll delve beneath the former mainstream… The story of a talented kid…who lost his brother in a […]

Keep the lights turned OFF

December 13, 2023

Keep the lights turned off…you will at first feel strange, but persevere, our eyes adjust… we can soon start to see without the light, its not perfect, but we hold still in our nature, some seeing in the dsrkness… We are creatures who see first with our hearts, our eyes can follow… our minds then […]

Gems In the MegA ROugh VOl XIXIIXXXVV- Clear BLUe SkiES

December 9, 2023

Clear Blue Skies, the one eyed  man living amongst the blinded eyes, is lonely, a life spent seeking homely… feelings are all that ever matters. most have eyes, yet dont speak from the heart,,, …. ……We are focused on making the most of our luck, many here buy more TVs, bigger cars with GPS and […]

BAptiSM of The SubLIMe – Where the water meets the land is where I find my sanctuary…

November 16, 2023

Currents of warm then cool roaming the shallows after arriving from the endless horizon, The flesh squeals with vitality, Mind awash with deluge from all directions of wilderness, Senses and spirit aflutter within the weightlessness wandering, Rising falling in rhythm to the lunar symphony sung by the sea, Baptism of serenity, Here I am at […]