At school we are given the skills to earn money,
Shown that life without a job is anything but funny.
The teachers are the priests of the capitalist religion,
Prospective accountants been taught division,
Economics gives us knowledge of the money machine,
That works against equality and rewards the mean,
We are told that in life we are all in competition,
And that the path to success is based around revision.
Hours spent learning just to pass examinations,
While forgetting the earth, the moon and the star constellations.
The value of a man lies in his heart and soul,
Not on whether he has been living life on the dole.
An business studies teacher suggest R.Branson as a man to admire,
When to some he is more like a modern day pariah,
To spend your life constantly chasing increased wealth,
Results in a deterioration of your mental health.
Without guidance from parents, about life how to kids learn?
Just in the institution teaching them only how to earn?
There should be someone to open their eyes,
Rather than just preparing pupils for work then saying goodbyes.
Everyone should be shown the beauty of a wild flower,
Educated about the planet and its natural magical power.
And the pain and suffering used to supply the food we devour,
Then away from meat and fish many more would cower.
The only animals that live in the UK do so because we allow,
Domesticated for our amusement or grown to eat like a farm sow.
We don’t get exposed to even our own way of life, at school,
It’s easy to leave after 6 years, still with the awareness of a fool.
More should be explained about our way of life to the young,
To be exposed when adult is less potent; the damage has already been done.
The national curriculum doesn’t educate how to behave,
Or how to find a woman the heart will always crave.
The school system fails in its aim to teach,
The formative minds of the young it always fails to reach.
(June 03)
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