The FishMonger

By tdf, June 1, 2007

The fishmonger

I’m the loud but shy guy who likes getting high.

With a mind working at twice the speed of light,
Constantly creating new dreams to chase and demons to fight.
And despite my relative lack of physical height,
Part of me is always above the clouds in full speed flight,
Dreaming of what the future could bring,
Loving all beautiful music without personally been able to sing,
Feeling emotion for everyone I know or meet,
Never stopping long enough to relax happily on a seat.
Too much going on around me to stop me thinking,
Cos I am open to the world and people around me without drinking.
Helped by experiencing different places,
And looking into the eyes on many different faces,
While on my journey of discovery driven by my energetic nerves,
Including my fruitless search for a love based on more than just female curves,
That ambition secondary to hunting down good souls,
And finding a place where I can swim with the fish in their shoals,
At least in my job as fishmonger I am allowed freedom in my paid time,
To think, to read, to speak and my favourite which is to rhyme,
And build small relationships with people who I feel,
By been open and friendly and importantly real,

Of course there’s a few people who think I am strange
But I quite like the way I am now, so why the fuck change?

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