Time to say Goodbye

By tdf, March 25, 2007

She has been there for me,
Through the thick and the thin,
She has found me when I am down,
Erased my scowl , produced a grin…

She has lifted my spirits,
When they have been sinking,
Taken the edge of my emotional awareness,
Replaced it with an inability to stop thinking…

She has warped my mind,
Taken me A few steps from reality,
She has stopped me being able to Love,
Stopped me being able guage feeling with any clarity…

I thought I had her under control,
But I was terribly wrong,
Because I become addicted to her presence after just one hit from a bong…

I thought she was benign,
Perfect for recreation,
But she stops me from Living and Giving,
And now, the only way forward for Her and Me is complete cessation…

Mary Jane,
My weakness for you has caused me so much Pain,
The time has come to say goodbye,
And once and for all to clear you completely from my brain….

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