whether a cleaner, fishman or stockbroker,
bank manager, rubbishman or skunk grower and toker.
what you do for a living is no indication of who you are,
whether you use a honda c50 or drive to work in a flash car.
how you go about your work does matter,
your character this can deem bad or flatter.
to judge a mans intelligence because he cleans floors,
means you living in a a world behind closed doors.
to know a person at all some energy must be exchanged,
then a opnion of charcter in your mind can be arranged.
you dont confine freindships to those on a similar wage,
or just with people you meet of a similar age.
in the world of 2day you can’t always work where you wish,
i for instance would rather be swimming with the fish.
i know an artist that earns his money as he stacks a supermarket shelve,
lacking ambtion it seems to those who dont wish to delve,
but scratch below the surface and you meet the man,
and learn of his talent and interesting life plan.
the cleaner whos read spinoza,descartes and aristotle,
who could give you an informed opnion on any wine bottle.
he could teach,
if he desired he could preach.
his cooking skills go beyond that of a mortal man,
consistently serving up food fit for gods with justa frying pan.
this immigrant from cassoria is a modern day sage,
i hate it when people put him in a certain social cage.
however you earn your money it matters most who you are,
i respect more the italian than any movie star/
(June 2003)
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