Why the fuck are we at war?
How can anyone who voted BUSH, happily sleep and snore?
Anti US sentiment grows the world over,
And also towards the people that live behind the port of Dover.
We are all party to the killing,
Our taxes paying for the bombs despite the well publicised public lack of willing,
Already 20 deaths blamed on friendly fire,
The big battles still to come, the casualty list exponentially grows higher.
Everyone thought they wouldn’t fight back,
But any nation would defend itself if subject to a similar attack.
Saddam hid his troops in each town,
Waiting for the convoy to pass, to then cause the coalition force a frown.
Perhaps it’s true that Iraq has a savage regime,
But to be named’ humanitarian of the year’ is not a common George bush dream.
England’s involvement in this conflict is a grave mistake,
Retribution could come from many new enemies in the post war wake.
More wannabe martyrs heading to our shores,
Fanatics given increased reason to follow the most severe of their religious laws.
It’s all happening so far away,
Catching up on the battle takes up only 30 mins of most people’s day.
Prisoners of war, laser guided bombs, dead children and women,
The images must be shocking for shallow fucks whose main preoccupation is slimming.
There must be more people around with sensibility,
But England’s youth stay concerned with expressing their virility,
Make love, not war,
If u get fed up with the killing just change the channel and ignore
Talk of confrontation of fucked up state of the Palestine,
Forgotten so quickly now we at war with this country with such plentiful oil to refine.
The families destroyed by the Jews left to wail,
Cos our new leader bankrolls the evil army of Israel.
It’s all too much,
Decisions taken for us, any semblance of world peace is now impossible to touch.
We are part of this crusade cursed by hypocrisy,
Where was our chance to decide, were not living in a democracy.
I going back to my skunk and music,
Angry that I’m living in a country ruled by a sheepish prick.
(April 2003)
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