The Guardian…Where free speech is not tolerated.

By tdf, April 16, 2016

As is often the case, The Guardian tolerates zero serious criticism of its masters. None. I added to this ‘touching’ story of a little girl meeting Obama a few lines of fact and a link to pictures of scores of dead children in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Iraq all killed by Obama’s drone program.
Herein lies a problem. It is not simply the overt propaganda and fascist control of the mass media, it is how this has seeped into the souls and minds of the many.
There was no foul language, no abuse, simply a contrast offered of the warm, playful scene presented in the article.
I have found the same bother when writing of the Zionist genocide. Within minutes or hours, my posts are deleted from The Guardian. They clearly pay moderators to weed out anything which goes against their masters. The message they provide must be kept intact, it cannot be allowed to be challenged as plain propaganda.
There is a definite tendency to believe in what we are told by our own governments, by our own media. And to then believe as simplistically of the movements, speeches and media of the allies of our overseers. This is natural. For unless we are nurtured to question, to impose critical thinking, it is natural to assume what we learn from our own crowd is truthful.
Still…there comes a point when the story becomes too bizarre to accept without frowning and feeling suspicion climb up the spine of concern. Concern that we are been spun a lie. For the many this is fine. For we wish to feel a part of any semblance of community, and if the masses, our community, believe something, then we are inclined to believe in turn, or at least offer that we believe. Safety in numbers.

Let me cite some examples…

Assad launches a chemical attack in Damascus, the day after the UN inspectors he has invited, arrived in Damascus to investigate chemical weapons usage in the war.
That is what we were told. That is what many believed. Take a moment to examine the facts…
Assad was accused of using chemical weapons on his own people. He could well have said NO to UN investigators eager to appear during a war. Instead he welcomed them, made sure they were safe from the blood-letting, and then decided to launch a chemical weapons attack next door? Does this make any sense?
Another warped piece of propaganda was the MH17 downing. With the rebels in Eastern Ukraine fighting for their lives against the nazi hordes unleashed by the West, with Russian support to aid them, undoubtedly. Would Russia give them weapons and the go ahead to take down a civilian airliner? To what end? To what possible fucking end? The only effect such a move could achieve would be to play hugely into the hands of their enemies.
I am tempted to delve into the destruction of Libya and Iraq, yet will refrain, for I have offered two examples, and will steel myself to examining them further.
No evidence whatsoever was found to suggest that Assad had used chemical weapons on his own people. The general conclusion of the UN investigation was that it was the ‘rebels’ who had used chemical weapons.
These ‘rebels’ were also shown by the Russians to be stealing oil and delivering it to Turkey, our NATO ally…
Still, no reaction in our own media! Would it not seem major news, when we have been scare-mongered to oblivion of the ISIS threat, to discover that their supply lines go to Turkey? Any invading army needs supply lines. And there they are. Yet was this news supplied to us? If not, why not? The only logical answer is that such revelations go against the agenda and interests of our overseers. Who own the media.
The Russians also delivered a typically lengthy and anaemic explanation of their radar footage of the MH17 downing.
Were we told any of this by our governments? By our media? Not a damn jot.
Our own governments are lying to us. The same powers which own the government, and this is not David Cameron, or pigfucker Obama, I mean the power bloc which owns them, which decides elections as the masses look to Hilarious Clinton and Trump and feel a sense of ownership of their own destiny presented to them on a plate, yes yes! they own the media.
This crowd of Bilderberg, Illuminati, whatever you wish to call them, runs and rules the world. They seek nothing other in every move they make other than Power and Profit.
What of the French eh? Attacked by alleged extremists. Then what followed was a swathe of Facebook french flags as profiles, those who engaged in such retarded efforts achieved…nothing. Then continued to fly their tricolore profile flags, as Hollande awarded the Saudis, surely the most obvious opponent of human rights (other than the US/NATO), the most obvious financier of state sponsored terrorism, the highest honour the once proud nation of France could afford…
And this award, was…for…fighting terrorism! hohoohohohohoho! Indeed.
We invaded Iraq on the premise that Saddam had WMD. Destroyed the country. Another secular, well functioning, non aligned to Western interests state put down. There were no WMD. There never were.
Do you understand the gravity of this? We, you and I, paid our taxes to governments who destroyed a country, slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent people, to line the pockets of their bosses.
We did the same, if not worse, in Libya. We tried and will continue to do the same in Syria.
If you find a colleague, a friend, anyone, prone to deceit, do you thereafter believe them?
If not, why the hell would you believe in a government and mass media which lies to you constantly, and on such matters which lead to the deaths of thousands, the destruction of cultures???
Yes, its easier to turn a blind eye for the many. My own mother often tells me ‘stop your horrible reports of the world, nobody is interested’. And she has a point. Yet my dear mother goose is focused on different things.
We should listen to what we are told and get on with our own business? Fuck that. This is partly why the world is so brutal, for Evil abounds when the Good turn away and pretend they know nothing other than they are doing right as are their government. It is understandable, but pitiful.
Still…we live in the West, especially here in Melbourne, in a society of lies. The majority are lying often to even ‘their besties’. The majority are prone to fakery, affectation, or at best, careful manipulation, which even at its finest, I see it, and am horrified, squealing, then try play them at their own game, and they run to me with a dance and swirl, assuming they have me once more under their command! When they do not. They sicken me. They have fallen into a trap they felt they set for me, yet there is no glory to find them so easy to move as if I am pulling the levers of their psyche…I would say Soul, yet am aware, from Balzac, and my own reckoning, that those few of a poetic, noble heart and soul, cannot help but assume the same of everyone else in the world, and then hurt deeply, when they give themselves freely and openly, and are skanked, crushed, betrayed…Yet the lesson to learn there, is that very few have a noble heart and soul. Affectation offers a more sure path to the ‘success’ which society tells the many they must seek.
 How many people do you know who tell the truth, always? I would bet not many, if any, even yourselves.
When deceit merchants are Legion, we are fucked. As a species.
The most honest people I know are the most damaged people I know. And so it suggests that honesty is not the best policy. To manipulate, to engage in affectation, to embrace everything I despise, leads to more success than to do the opposite. In which case, after such reckoning I am left with two choices…to play the same game or to fight fang and claw in the name of honesty and purity of heart and soul. Or to mix the two…


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