Dutch Minister of Defence Henk Kamp(above) continues to reward hellhounds from the underworld for their heinous activities by nominating Charlie Manson (below) for the much coveted- in devil worshipper circles- Amsterdam Award for Atrocities…
The Bosnian government yesterday made their resentful feelings known to their Dutch counterparts after scores of Dutch peacekeepers were recently awarded medals for their part in the 1995 massacre of 8000 Bosnian Muslims at Srebrenica (Bosnia). The slaughter was undoubtedly the most nauseating episode of the whole 42 month war in the region which raged from 1992-5. Despite the presence in Srebrenica of the peacekeepers, General Mladic, the unquestionably evil Bosnian Serb commander, took over the town, separated women, children and men. Then proceeded to order and supervise the execution of 8000 men in just 10 days. 800 lives mercilessly eradicated every 24 hours. A truly horrid figure which prickles a flimsy but unforgettable memory in my deep, murky mind…a memory of watching a piece of video footage taken by one of Mladic’s troops, which appeared on Channel Four news. The scenes were brutal; soldiers lining up row after row of unarmed men then taking turns to fill the victims with bullets, bodies scooped into trucks by bulldozers, and worst of all was the apparent enjoyment and calmness of the killers. The footage stops abruptly and when the screen flickers back into life, the soldiers are heard laughing and joking about not having enough space on the video tapes to keep up with the rate of executions. It showed genocide on a scale only Hitler, in recent history, has outdone in terms of ferocity and horror-value. And even though I didn’t understand the nature of the ‘conflict’ due to my tender age, the footage sickened me more than any piece of news I have since seen or been part of.
The ‘peace-keepers’ stood by and did nothing whatsoever to keep the peace while the fields around their base became drenched in blood. Dutch Commander Tom Karremans, who was amongst those recently awarded military honours, was snapped by photographers dining with General Mladic during that fateful July, 1995, when all those people were needlessly culled. Karremans was in charge of the peacekeepers and several sources have suggested that he exchanged the release of 14 kidnapped peace-keeping troops for the acquiescence of his forces to the ensuing killings.
The perceived complicity of the Dutch peace-keepers was examined and refuted by a UN investigation in 2002 but the report did lay blame firmly on the Dutch government whose position as top Dutch dogs soon after became untenable.
As for Mladic, he has been a target of the UN war crimes committee for 11 years, but has avoided capture through the protection afforded him by high ranking members of the Serbian army.
When I see people smiling and jesting whilst ending the lives of innocent, unarmed captives, I know that in humanity lie the greatest evils of any species.
The decision to award medals to those Dutch troops who were supposed to be protecting innocent lives and ‘keeping the peace’ in Srebrenica, but instead stood by and did nothing as the body count rose every minute, is Satanic. And the picture it paints of the Dutch government is that of a gang of heartless, arrogant punks who have chosen to ignore reality and give themselves a very public pat on the back for their sterling work in the ‘battle’.
“This is a scandalous, shameful and humiliating decision. Victims and their families are additionally humiliated and offended,” said Munira Subasic, head of the Srebrenica Women association.”They [the Dutch peacekeepers] allowed Bosnian Serb troops to slaughter 10,000 people. Shame be on them,” she said.(bbc.co.uk)This isn’t an isolated incidence of UN peacekeeping ineptitude. It was only last year when a report by Jordan’s ambassador to the UN ‘identified repeated patterns of sexual abuse and rape perpetrated by soldiers supposed to be restoring the international rule of law’.
Further evidence- as though it was needed- to confirm my suspicions that the UN military machine is neither a major deterrent to global crime nor a expertly trained group of military forces capable of ending bloodshed in war torn countries and instilling peace.
Credit must go to the Dutch authorities for reminding us all that we in the West are not as civilized and morally superior to the rest of the world as we often assume. But now, as I once heard Kofin Annan whisper into the ear of Hugo Chavez at a UN convention in Bognor Regis ater spending 8 hours listening to the woes of the world transformed into oration by a succession of small-time global leaders, ‘lets leave this bullshit alone, roll a joint or five and stick some Biggie on the stereo…’
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