can you seem me by the clothes I wear?

By tdf, June 5, 2007

can you see ME by the clothes that I wear?
Hear who I am by my words when I swear?
Do you just focus on the sound and the visual?,
or use all your senses to find out what makes me an individual?

Well I will explain,
A little bita tha story of a man gone insane….

I’m like a chinaman with an allergy to rice,
An Indian who can’t eat curry,
A cat with no sense of smell,
A koala in a mad hurry.

Feeling outta sorts,
With a mind producing mad thoughts,
Wondering what the future might hold,
And what it is that I want to do with my life before I get old.

I lie in bed made of nails,
Blind my senses to sleep, but this always fails,
Cos my mind won’t rest,
With an overactive imagination I was unfortunately blessed…

Good with maths, but shit with cash,
Shy at first, then increasingly brash,
A singer stuck in a land full of mutes,
An owner of a gun of great ideas, which never shoots.

An average guy,
Who spends too much time getting high,
And writing lines,
Narrowly escaping speeding fines,
Thinking too much about this and that,
Equally happy in the presence of a human being or a cat…..

i’m trying to walk but there’s chains round my feet,
i only feel free when i hear a decent beat,
that carries me away into a world afar,
another planet, orbiting another star.

(Jan 2005)

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