George Bush

By tdf, June 5, 2007

He is an actor,
With personal gain as his most dominant factor,
He is a liar,
To the peace loving people,
A modern day pariah…

The bad news is this,
He’s got huge power,
With an ability to cite god,
As a reason for a hellfire shower,

Everything he says, just sounds so dam absurd
He Probably doesn’t even know the difference between and indian and a kurd…

Hey bush,
What the fuck are you doing??
Open your eyes,
Look at all the shit that’s ensuing,
Cos of the decisions that you’ve made,
The cards that you have laid…
You are making even americans more and more afraid…
And in pursuit of what????
Please xplain to us all why you don’t care when a sudanese girl is raped then shot??

You don’t respect life,
You only respect greed,
Im not even sure,
If you are able to read..

Cos wisdom you lack,
In any shape or form,
You were the kid I most wanted to punch,
For the whole of the 6th form…..

You call yourself a chrsitian,
But you offer no belief.
In anything other than self gratification,
At the expense of others grief….

(June 05)

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