Hidden Gems in the Mega Rough – Violence speaks louder than words

By tdf, November 25, 2015

Time to take a direction away from my words, away from any record of my existence and persistence, on the same tired old path and allow my SELF to express it’s SELF through the sounds and lyrics of others whose output and mark on the ether of existence which had found me at some stage of another, resonates…

Mcenroe – Last Man Standing

Low Key – Terrorist

‘We must ask ourselves…what is the dictionary definition of a terrorist…”the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion“….’

I have been radicalised.

Not into the wink of the eye,

snapshot encased catch-phrase,


what we keep hearing and hearing,

fearing and fearing,

‘islamic fundamentalism’.

But into love,

and the ideal of Peace,

which must be fought for,

by anyone and everything which hold such a thing pure,

and simple,

and the only Way.

Chase True Love,

or fight the Good Fight,

failing which,

you become not just of no redeeming value,

but an Enemy.

For given the state of global play,

of state sponsored atrocities,

which to learn of the details makes the blood curdle,

as the last rites are screamed and wailed,

by a growing army of mothers suddenly finding themselves absent a son,

who has been killed with our bombs…

So turn your head…

into what?

struggle for keeping your head above the slaughter line?

Or paying your dues to Death Inc,

as the world burns…

and we light the matches.

I know nothing.

Yet love love and fight hate…

Ok for Now,

Nero’s head of communications.

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