I use the star as my lantern…

By tdf, November 21, 2020


Mr Lif is obscure.

I have met nobody who knows of him, and yet he has long proven for me…a man of wicked flow, a call of nature in human form, whose cynical heartfelt operation as outlined in homosapien form mirror of society was never easily drawn towards repeated promotion of HOPE in Obama…

I was too focused on his intricacy poetic rhyme routine, to note back then, as I was carried away with the millions of others too eagerly buying into the message of HOPE, to maintain my capacity for critical thinking. Lif maintained, and his questioning of Obama as a potential false start, was proven right…war after war, but the many still find that chap as some mark of progress. The millions impacted appalling with mega trauma and carnage in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen…know otherwise. They would appreciate Lif and wonder why nobody listened to him or held similar fears.

No surprise to find a poet staying what some speak of as ‘on point’ which means to me perhaps something different as its less a case of always hitting beats perfectly, more maintaining a clear stance. And to delve deeper, Lif is found as a force of nature in his earlier days, thriving in his element as the voice of a storm. His voice becomes the thunder when the wilderness roars across our vapid chatter.

Even when drawing away from the battles to be fought on a galactic level, toning down the communion and purpose of thunder and lightning, he remains too clear for most to appreciate other than to bounce to his flow and hope he isnt talking about YOU…

Probably the finest of his yesteryear bounce and hooded prophet blizzard of poetry…


And so…to find Mr Lif shed his lovely ventures since those powerful outpourings and return to play the WIse Scribe with Mega FLow…is an unexpected gift>>>

‘we are human beings, afraid of other human beings, give me 6ft of space to breathe’….

‘whenever we stand against the flow of opinion on strongly contested issues, a man does what he must, in spite of personal consequences…’



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