Iraq, drowning in blood…

By tdf, November 15, 2006

The situation in Iraq continues to break records for gruesome death tolls

On Monday security forces discovered 75 dead bodies in Baghdad and Baquba(35km North East of the capital). Most of the corpses were shredded by bullets and if the hands were still intact they were cuffed… 50 victims had been slaughtered then piled up untidily behind the national electrical company HQ in Baquba. And 35 civilians who were queuing up to enlist as police commandos were blown to bloody pieces by a suicide bomber in Baghdad. There were also a further 25 corpses reported found throughout the capital on a day which showed beyond any doubt that the recent increase in sectarian violence is far from abating. The previous month of October yielded a devastating 1600 civilian deaths in the capital alone. Early Tuesday morning around 80 men dressed in police uniforms arrived at a scientific research institute in Baghdad. Some of the ‘police officers’ proceeded to round up the women, confiscate their mobile phones then lock them into a small room. Meanwhile EVERY(approximately 100) male, young and old, from the tea boy to the cleaner, scholars to unlucky visitors, was handcuffed and bundled into the back of pick-up trucks waiting outside. As swiftly as the operation began, it concluded, with the detainees driven away most likely to be tortured then massacred.
Statements taken by the institute’s useless guards fifteen minutes after the brutal blitz reported that the kidnappers/crazed killers had told them they were part of the interior Ministry’s security force charged with sweeping the institute for insurgents prior to a visit by the US ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad.
A senior interior ministry official later made said this to parliament…
‘”I have only one choice, which is to suspend classes at universities’ because I am not ready to see more professors get killed’
this is not the first time that the Shia dominated government have been directly connected with free-roaming death squads. How can the Iraqis have any faith or trust in a government which appears to be orchestrating or worse still ,actively participating in, sectarian savagery???They can’t.

For all the evils that Saddam Hussein mercilessly wreaked upon that country, he had it organized in an unfathomably advanced and more orderly state than it is now, and has been since the US/UK invasion of 2003. Under Hussein’s rule less Iraqis were killed, and there was a semblance of law. With the oil contracts due to be awarded next month, perhaps finally the world will see the real reasons for ousting the former dictator and turning his troubled country into a bloodbath in which 100+ civilians are killed per day.

Has the Bush/Blair alliance improved Iraq after Saddam?Fuck, No.

Back at Allied base camp in Washington, Bush, while beginning to accept that perhaps it would be a good idea to bring Iran and Syria into the seemingly impossible task of stitching up the festering wounds of Iraq, also spoke of the need for Syria and Iran to stop sponsoring terrorism! What a brilliant method for making friends in the international community. Tony Blair echoed Bush’s ridiculous amicable offer…
‘It’s very important for the world to unite with one common voice to say to the Iranians that, if you choose to continue forward, you’ll be isolated’ aid Bush, then followed up with ‘Syria need to get out of Lebanon.” Presumably the American President thinks that it would be better for the world as a whole if his Zionist buddies were able to turn Lebanon into another Palestine…Fucking swine.
Good Ol Tone the Bone Blair had this to suggest…
‘To deflect pressure from the West over its nuclear plans it(Iran) was helping extremists in Lebanon, Iraq and in the Palestinian Territories

Bush and Blair find themselves more isolated than those they threaten to isolate…

On a lighter note the 100 hostages taken from the scientific institute have been freed***!!!!!Which is wonderful news!
But the idea that American or any allied troops could sort out Iraq is too seriously fucked up to be laughable. That country is a million times more chaotic and blood stained thanks to the American and British presence. Bush played right into the hands of Al-Quaeda by toppling Hussein and the world as a whole has been made an infinitely more dangerous place for Westerners thanks to the military presence in Iraq. There isn’t any debate about that. It is a fact. Without the invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq, there would be thousands less Iraqis dead and thousands less martyrs begging their masters to arm them with explosives and direct them to the nearest target.
Al-Quaeda were the perpetrators of 9/11. Hussein had NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. The most dangerous anti-western organisation in history has been and continues to be strengthened by this war.
Still, I go to sleep now mildly upbeat after those hostages were freed. they are luckier than most who have been abducted. However, more than 80 civillians have been killed in Iraq during the last 16 hours, so the mildly upbeat feeling is woefully unmerited.
As to the media, and I am referring to the American media specifically here, I blame them also. For pulling the wool over the eyes of the easily misled Americans who still think or who have ever thought that American troops are justified in their occupation.
Nothing much can change in regards to rising levels of anti-US ‘terrorism’ because the democrats are as in the pocket of the Israelis as the republicans. And the American support, financial, political and weapons-wise, for Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians and more recently the Lebanese, is the core reason for so much war and callously spilled blood.

(***It seems that not all of the hostages taken from the scientific institute were released.  Some of the lucky few to be allowed freedom told of the torture and killing of their co-abductees…)

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