Monsanto – one of the true evils on the planet
By tdf, November 17, 2014
I often focus my acerbic rage upon the pilchards and sardines, failing to mention the great whites which lie behind them and dictate their swimming patterns and diet. It is, I believe, intentional, to produce and promote heartless scum like Obama, as the mouthpiece for a collection of sinister corporations, who is adorned with such shiny baubles, so as to encourage the masses content to be spoon-fed shit to adore him, yet those among us who see through the lies, who look beyond what we are spoon-fed, and know Obama to be pure deceit and affectation, still focus solely on the slick hype man for Death Inc. Without delving deeper, into those whose interests he serves.
One of the obvious areas to aim at is the military-industrial complex. For with so much war been waged, with our very own taxes, it is close to impossible for the money path to remain in the shadows. It does not take a genius to ponder such things as…
‘If Saddam had no WMD, a widely praised health care and education system, why did we invade and destroy his country?’
‘If Gaddafi gave his people an immensely robust health care system, free electricity, education and was driven to unite all of Africa, why did we invade and destroy his country?’
‘If the taliban were openly responding to the accusations of Bin Laden’s responsibility for 9/11 by telling the US government “we will hand him over, if you show us any proof”, and yet still we showed no proof, invaded and did our best to destroy their country’/
These questions lead mainly to oil and weapon manufacturers(Raytheon, Lockheed, BP) . All of which have easy to research connections to our governments in the west. And if you dig deep enough, you will find not a conspiracy, but a fairly transparent group of organized global criminals, whose portfolios include Western governments. Such is the pitiful nature of the many, these groups have no need to hide…for the majority are content to read the headlines, to watch the first 10 seconds of what the propaganda machine calls ‘news’ and assume that whatever is happening, our governments are doing right by us.
Controlling the oil supply is one major prime objective of any group eager for global control and to do with that control, whatever they deem…profitable. To take oil reserves, you need to take land, You need armies and weapons. You also need to garner public support for your invasions of other countries, at least, in what some call a ‘democracy’. By whatever means necessary,
Which leaves…controlling the food supply as a logical counterpart to the same plan. Which is where our friends at Monsanto appear on the Scum Radar.
We need seeds to grow crops which we eat and the livestock which we eat, also consumes. Nature has been kinder to us as a species than we have been to Nature. Yet have no fear, for Monsanto are ready to not only rebalance the scales, but own the scales. It is their prime objective to own the food supply, globally. To effect this, in an economically prosperous manner, they cannot simply slowly procure increasing hectares of farmland. No. This is too slow a process. Regardless of the underhand tactics already employed to bring about such swift return to serfdom the mission must be expedited and expanded.
What if one company could own the seeds, own the herbicides and insecticides? What if one company could place their people within the governments to obtain approval for everything they do and criminalize anyone who went against them? What if a company could genetically engineer crops which are resilient to their chemicals, and monopolise the agrichemical market?
What if…is no longer a question. The answer to all those questions is MONSANTO.
The same company responsible for Agent Orange which savaged not just the hundreds of thousands affected in the war period in vietnam, but millions thereafter. The same company responsible for systematically procuring ownership of close to all seeds and all herbicides in the US and Canada as well as placing their own people in the government to rule on their work as they create new laws to protect and profit.

Monsanto are fucking with life on this planet as the earth has known it for centuries. They are placing into the ecosystem genetically modified material which appears, with the scant amount of testing allowed, privately funded and published, to kill livestock, to cause infertility, stomach trauma, organ disease and a myriad of other very serious issues in HUMANS, let alone the animals we eat…another area where Monsanto has worked and continues to work diligently, to make damn sure, that virtually nobody is made aware of the health risks.
The plants are poisoned. Their genetic material has been altered. It appears that more problematic for other life forms which consume these Gm crops, is the genetic modification, not the vast amounts of insecticide and herbicides employed in their production (much of which is retained by the plant which finds its way into our own bodies further down the line). It is the alteration of genes which our bodies and other animals react to with major health problems.
It is not just farmers all over the world (Monsanto has patents pending or approved in 130+ countries) but those who eat the crops, those who eat what eats the crops, who are been taken for fools, for chattel.
Monsanto have made moves beyond mere crops, and into the patenting of livestock, of pigs and more.
Let me make this simple. As simple as my scientific ken allows me…
Monsanto create crops which are genetically resilient to a chemical they supply which kills everything other than the plants they have sold as seed. These crops include a ‘terminator’ gene which means that the farmers have to by the seed every year. These crops are treated with Monsanto chemicals which kill all insects and parasites, yet are taken into the plants, which are then eaten by us and the livestock which we eat.
Many have gone to the governments of the West and asked them to study the effects of the genetic engineering and huge uptake in herbicide/insecticide. The governments have said ‘we will not pay for such studies nor pay for universities to do such studies’. The private investigators then carry out their studies, find that GM food causes organ damage, GI damage, infertility and and other horrors to the human body. They take their findings to the government, who say….’we cannot accept your findings as they were not carried out by the government or government funded universities’.
Think of the wind, of the soil, of the water supply, of the insects and birds and other creatures which naturally eat crops…
Their aim is to produce and have made legal, patents on ALL LIFE. And when they have openly procured the gene technology to cause infertility in humans, what else can we suspect and know, other than their aims to control population, to effect de population. I am all for de-population if the sights are aimed at Monsanto, Obama and their people, but far less supportive of an insidious, clandestine move to poison the very planet where we dwell.
To all those, still eager to believe in Obama…read below, please…
The Monsanto Protection Act, essentially both written by and benefiting Monsanto Corporation, has been signed into law by United States President Barack Obama. The infamous Monsanto Corporation will benefit greatly and directly from the bill, as it essentially gives companies that deal with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically engineered (GE) seeds immunity to the federal courts, among other things.
The bill states that even if future research shows that GMOs or GE seeds cause significant health problems, cancer, etc, anything, that the federal courts no longer have any power to stop their spread, use, or sales. (http://www.globalresearch.ca/monsanto-protection-act-signed-by-obama-gmo-bill-written-by-monsanto-signed-into-law/5329388)
What does this tell you? What it tells me is that Obama is a mouthpiece for another major shareholder in Death Inc.
I implore you, if you have any interest in the world, in your own future, in the future of your children, to watch the videos below, for it paints the picture far more clearly than the angry, concerned, hastily collected words above…
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