
By tdf, June 4, 2007

Of all the people I have met, I still prefer cats.
Also birds, fish, dogs and rats.
I have always found a strange connection with the feline race,
Which is completely based around the eyes on the face.
Their moods are constantly visible to the eye not audible to the ear,
Whether towards you they feel untrusting, aggression or fear.
But to me human beings are much harder to understand,
Than the animals that communicate along the natural lines of the land.
Maybe I expect too much,
When another persons soul I think I can touch.
I am unusually easy to upset,
Anyone will you tell you this that I have met.
But with this comes a good ability to quickly forget,
And to only primarily intensely fret.

My longest serving acquaintance, my half Spanish brother,
And of course my long suffering mother,
I would trust with my life,
And to attempt to help me through any time of strife,
To care for me and to advise,
On whether my actions are stupid or wise.
People are all so complicated,
Even the tones at which we speak are precisely weighted,
To convey or to unmask depth of emotion,
We use words in this way with such devotion.
It’s easier for me with a feline creation.
As the natural flow of regard avoids cessation.
I want to hold everyone in such high esteem,
But for everybody to be the way I want them to be is a childish dream.
People can always be strange,
Their feelings towards you can always change,
But some people stick out from the crowd,
The voices of these souls I can hear loud.
They may be few and far between,
But their feelings towards me are totally pure and clean.
Which is why I seek to explore everyones mind,
Cos these special people I wish to find.
The needles in the haystack,
The people that would never stab you in the back.
Who love your soul in its naked form,
Though to meet these kind of folk isn’t the norm.

(April 03)

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