Seek the FrEAkS – Mutterings of MaN WHose heart IS foCUSED upon the happiness of a HOUND,,,,

By tdf, March 9, 2017

The majority of people I know are of such little redeeming value, even when found honest and pure in heart, for of that small niche of society, despite their tentative lukewarm emissions, they remain Society, they have their families and great, I am pleased to learn of more lovely added to our accursed species.

And yet…I am probably not wide of the mark to cynically add…that whilst I adore lovely, I seek more the warriors, those who broke the mould when they became who and what they are, those who have had everything taken from them and learn and appreciate what they have to give, and when they give their everything, nothing means more…A cyclone could be lifting houses into its devastating dance of land and mad air, and yet, you would have no interest, for your focus of heart, soul and spirit combined, is to the creature to whom you have given your all…this is why I love this perfect picture I have never seen, of a man or woman, a boy or girl, a storm raging around and over them, but they are still, their eyes and heart gazing solely for one…

Indeed, such truly consuming deep romance and devotion is admirable and valued as so divinely precious ever more for its scarcity.

Any partnerships who suggest such a thing, connected always by invisible strings, impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins…my heart warms.

Still…they are a dwarf sized niche in the human hordes. And given we are amassing guns on the Russian border, positioning warships in the South Pacific, I am keen on seeking my fellow freaks…who, for a variety of reasons, some of which I dont yet know, are solely interested in meaningful collisions. What they say always means something. There is no fluff. They find mainly horror. At best, a comfortable scene in which to unleash their venomous reaction to humanity.

Its not just this very serious move towards war with the Chinaman…Comrade Vlad…Nasrallah and Khamenei…very serious people to be pushing to the brink of massive retaliation…which so few seem to have any idea about. Its best that way for the engineers of such efforts at full spectrum dominance…NO, its closer to my own movements on my feet and with my always seeing eyes. The horror at the top cannot be attacked unless/ until we have unearthed and found encouragement and need to become as one, those whose spirits wish to bear fang and join the howl, rather than to remain quiet and simply try to get by/

These people are invariably and rightly seen by the many as freaks or broken. I seek them constantly in my wake, as my soul loves them and fears my enemies in my slumber.

No value can be found in dealing with dishonest mirrors…

I want be find myself reflected in the hearts and souls of my kinfolk as brilliant when I am brilliant, as much as I need to find myself ugly and appalling in the same, when I am wayward. Anything less is pointless, a geyser of fakery. No value is placed in labels, You are a creative. You are a Lefty. You are an revolutionary…??? NO. I am not that way inclined. I seek solely those brimming with true grit, fighting the good fight. They do not need to tell the world on social media they are doing so. They do not need to take Selfies. They do not need to project anything above and beyond what they are…for their essence shines in my darkness like the full moon. A projection of something valuable to seek and cherish, which when melted down, comes down to HONESTY.

It seems a bizarre question, yet one which must be asked…How many people in your life do you find always honest, open, transparent?

It seems bizarre, for any and everyone must understand that no value, no progress, no love can come from anything but total honesty between creatures, kin or otherwise. We lie too much, reveal ourselves too little. We mean well yet unwittingly manipulate, become frauds of everything which matters most to our essence.

Prince Myshkin was seen as a pathetic individual by the many, because he refused or was unable, to play a game of fakery. He was a hero to me…and remains so. A prototype of Edmund Dantes, who added spirit and vengeance to the purity of heart…


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