Stop reading the papers, stop watching the news…

By tdf, August 28, 2015

Prince EA – I’m Sorry

It is a beautiful thing when you find a new artist and feel them instantly as an echo of your own soul. And that is the case with Prince EA, who puts into verse what my poetic, ultra sensitive soul often expresses in demands for awareness and action to save ourselves or on other occasions, carefully positioned virtual ink of my hopes for a better world. Regardless of my medium of output, I care. I really fucking care…and so does Prince EA.

And I believe we all care, deep down. Just suffering from commonplace, carefully manufactured apathy, lacking the belief in how we can individually make a difference. Not just to the health of the world, but to each other, and ourselves in turn, for we are all connected. As we are to Mother Nature and the Universe beyond.

We have turned our backs on our Mother. Not biologically speaking, but spiritually. For without Mother Earth and the Milky Way and the Universe, we simply wouldn’t exist. When you look around do you see togetherness or competition? Do you see love or coldness? Do you see Happiness or Struggle?


A message to HUMANITY

The storm of sadness abates, and what is revealed is renewed Hope, renewed Zeal, renewed Determination and Direction and Purpose. For to wail is useless, to fight for what is Right is beautiful. I do not mean with guns. Nor with knives. Nor with fists. I mean with Love.

And it is from this Love, which we find the the awakening. To Life.

It is US, it is YOU and ME, who can make the change which must come, for our children and their children to survive and prosper. We have been lied to, taught from an early age to compete, that Love is a fairytale, that true magic does not exist after childhood. IT DOES. We have just forgotten. How to dream, how to love, how to give in to our eagerness to lift from the gutter our fellow man, to say NO FUCK NO to more war, more rape and pillage, more horror, funded by our hard earned taxes born of jobs opposed to our passions. Who are we working for? Who do we live for? It should be each other. It should be the Earth.

The change begins here and now with YOU. It begins with meaning what you say, saying what you mean, respecting every one and yourself in turn with your honesty…Deceit and Conceit are tools of the Evil which rules and destroys the land and each other. Be yourself. In heart and soul, always, in Everything.

Nobody wants war. Nobody wants conflict. Nobody wants to suffer. Nobody wants to hurt. Everyone wants love…

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