Maturity brings a lessening of shuddering towards the perception of others of self. It brings an assurance, a knowing, of what I am, and who and what I Value, hold dear, seek and embrace with love…The idealist realist, prone to the effusive, unable to avoid baring my fangs at the conceit and duplicity of the vast majority of my inmates. It does me no good to reveal my self but to know who I am is found solely through driving hard and fast at the Now, and pondering the reaction of anyone with whom I connect. The long game is for others. As is the pebble on the beach routine, coming to terms with the tide flowing over me, as I accept my position. And find solace…FUCK NO. I want to make waves, start fires, cause an effect, move other creatures in head and heart, leave my mark…for good or ill.
I spend my days offering my best and finest, hopeful, naive, yet quick to know swine as swine, and to then make them well aware of my angst. As a species, we have become dumb and false. Those who think of evolution as always for the better, are mong. Yet I am surrounded by mongs, by wannabe stand-ins for The Bachelor…and when I hear people wasting life talking of these amoebas shaped as humans, I can’t help but squeal and fang, perhaps just to shock them, moreso to paint a totem of opposition to the meaningless and lame. I look into the eyes and see…all too often…nothing. This is solely the case with humanity here.
For if I see a tramp ailing and wailing, I walk on by…I feel nothing but a fleeting sensation of guilt. Yet when I wake, close the window and find an exhausted butterfly, I feel instant empathy, find paper, coax the poor episode of divinity to alight, then find a safe place in the garden to leave him or her, heading to work with a smile on the countenance of my soul…as I assume the winged beauty has regained balance and taken flight…
I haven’t given up on people. Yet I would rather spend my time with ocelots and wombats…
I am long in the fang, and have recorded everything. It comes back in fragments, as often when someone is speaking to me and saying nothing, as when I am alone and able to hear only the tides of the ocean flowing through and around me as I float, embrace the closest I can know to weightlessness I can find…unresolved moments in time….still seeking resolution, yet that time has gone, so why do such scenes return, to haunt me, unless…they return for there is need for me to confront them, in whatever way seems Right…
I seek solely those who whether taciturn or effusive, are always themselves, showing to the world only less or more of themselves, always honest as the forest…
The world is at war, and we are not just supplying the napalm, but sharing on fuckbook carefully collected collages of Obama, the mass murderer, as a Family Man, who we will all miss so dearly and clearly…for he has given to the world, alongside his bambi eyed perfect first shady Lady Michelle…so much good?…only spastics buy into such obviously at major odds with reality ‘reportage’…If I am pushed to assume a position which believes that the imposter of a leader of a free world had any power, I immediately demand answers to the invasion of Ukraine and subsequent rise of the neo nazis, the destruction of Libya, the richest african state, offering free health care, free education, hugely subsidised power and eager to unite Africa…Yemen, where we have supplied the bombs to kill thousands, to cause widespread starvation…of Syria, where we have created, armed and assisted IS and Al Nusra, foreign invaders of a sovereign state…and the drone strikes, which Obama apparently signs off before kissing his little ones sweet dreams, with the official record standing at close to 5000 assassinations, leading to the actual record assuredly many times that figure over./…why are those morons sharing videos of Obama as the family man, not sharing videos of the hundreds of thousands, if not millions he has been responsible for maiming and killing?
This hapless Left V Right ranting and raving. A stance of either is as useful to the struggle as a tattoo…it achieves nothing. Perhaps turns a few glances of mong, which see such pointless efforts at painting ourselves as Better as cool. Well done…It is pitiful and regretful that anyone who presents themselves as a valuable voice of the ages, even mentions the right and left, when the reality is too clearly for anyone looking beyond their own snout, absent of any political spectrum. Do you truly believe that the Pentagon or Zionist bankers care about whether you are left or right??? Its a gimmick…nothing more, nothing less.
Take me as an example…I adore and demand the opportunity to express myself, a society encouraging individual endeavour and delving into anything I can encounter, yet if a crowd is proven to be evil…kill them all. If a woman wants to have an abortion, needs to have an abortion, allow her the option, its her body, yet…if anyone breaks into a church and shits on the alter or steals a chicken from a store by hiding it in their cunt(a la Pussy Riot, those pseudo feminist goons), beat them down, black and blue…or kill them all. Let people believe what they want, as long as it doesn’t injure any other creature. When such beliefs injure others, we have a problem. and how do you solve this problem. The animal kingdom solves this through violence. Its so simple…Do onto others as you would have done onto you. Which is not a confirmation of my christian ideals, the ideal just seems right. I am amused, then appalled by Priests of any denomination, yet I find no need to fuck with them, unless they have been proven to be injuring others….and there is the foundation of my own position in this battle.
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