Israel working with Al Qaeda in Syria

By tdf, January 17, 2017

Much of the last year and no doubt much of the year to come, has been and will be focused on Syria. A country which has been in crisis since 2011, which only now is finding its feet as agreements are reached, and tentatively adhered to by several of the major foreign participants involved. The MSM has been heavy handed in its demonisation of first Hizbollah, then Iran and then more steadfastly Russia. All of whom have emerged as supporters of Assad, the under siege democratically elected leader of a sovereign state. Not much has been made of French, Saudi, US and UK interference, yet some focus has forced its way into the limelight of the role of Erdogan, leader of the Turks.

This pattern – of demonising any ally of the ‘evil, brutal dictator Assad’ – is understandable and to be expected, for we see the same pattern in regards to the Ukraine. With the vast majority of Westerners assuming that Vladimir Putin is not just a menace to his own neighbourhood, but a major threat to world peace. Of course this is courtesy of the MSM machine. With few able, or willing, to question the narrative which finds them on their phones, in their papers, in their news reports. Unquestioning acceptance of spoon-fed bullshit by proven deceit merchants.

I had the bizarre experience last year of finding myself adorned with Moroccan threads I had purchased in Merzouga, the edge of the Saharan Frontier, thrust into the role of BBQ man at a hippyish gathering in the forests of Waitakere, NZ. I played the part of roving sausage store man with aplomb and mangled panache, yet collided with a pretty Canadian chap surrounded by a cackle of wide eyed wenches as he was spouting nonsense of Putin. I confronted this upstart and asked him to explain his animosity to the leader of Russia…The crowd were eager to adore him, to augment his golden locks with an aura of wisdom, and yet the exchange left me bothered and adding enemies to my list of strangers…

‘And so, what the hell can you have against Putin? As a Canadian? I am intrigued…’
‘Well, he invaded that country and stole half of it…everyone read that and saw that…’
‘what country?’
‘you know…that country near Russia’
‘What fucking country?’
‘it doesn’t matter what name it has…we must agree to disagree…he invaded it, as we all know, and stole half its territory’
‘No we cannot agree to disagree, for you are plain wrong…you are speaking tripe…and whilst we are here in the forest…the wind wailing so gorgeously through the branches of the trees of this valley…all of us warmed by the scene…it disgusts me that anyone would assume a position of knowledge of global affairs, when they cannot even remember the name of the countries they speak of…you probably mean Crimea, formerly part of Ukraine…but never mind eh…have a sausage…good lad!’

Other folk I encountered during this same trip who asserted themselves as in the know, were speaking of ‘barrel bombs’, literally regurgitating the MSM mantra, unwittingly, whilst professing strident left wing stances. Which sickened me. This is a problem with the people who refer themselves as The Left. They seek to agree with each other, find solidarity in complete opposition to any of their shared values, with zero consideration ever available of the views of others, which in any way contest their apparent moral superiority. I disagree with you and become an instant enemy never worth listening to. That smacks more of wanton adornments of labels, of moral badges of cool to share on fuckbook, than anything approaching meaningful debate, for to stick to one ideology and approach any other with our fingers in our ears, hands over our eyes screaming silently I AM RIGHT YOU MUST BE WRONG is idiocy.

Still, I must return to the cut and thrust of this effort to spread some valuable awareness…there are one crowd who have been very much involved in the carnage that is Syria 2011 to Present Day, who have rarely, if at all, made an appearance in the MSM. Which can only add weight to the suggestion that they are atop the pyramid of power. That they pull the strings. And do they have ambition for this? Without any doubt.

That country, or rather, that regime, is the Zionist crowd running Israel, dominating US foreign policy, directing their vassal states in the EU. Their sphere of influence, directed by what can best described (unfortunately) as eschatological zeal, flows well beyond the Middle East, yet there is to be found the bread and butter of their foreign and eschatological policy. Greater Israel is not just a crazed conspiracy theory, it is real and it is happening. More on this project and ideology can be found here (

The Zionists have repeatedly demanded attacks, uprisings, sanctions against Iran. The Shia power base has prospered in Iraq after the West removed Saddam, hence the rise of the Sunni extremists in response. Hizbollah, an Iranian supported outfit, have also prospered, despite repeated offensive campaigns against their cadres in Lebanon. However, the major Iranian Shia ally in the Middle East is Assad. Which makes him a natural enemy of the Zionists as well as a natural enemy – at least from a religious perspective – of the Sunni Wahhabist regime in Saudi Arabia. We can likely also include Sunni run Turkey, Bahrain and also Qatar in this mix of those eager to oust Assad, for ostensibly religious reasons. I write ‘ostensibly’ for religion is used mainly as a control mechanism, as the most major tool used for engineering obedience and dominance over people who would baulk and revolt at been told ‘you must join our efforts to slaughter thousands of strangers to further enforce our control over you and line our pockets with more gold’…Tell them it is the wish and obligation demanded of God or Allah. Makes matters far easier.

Yet religion plays second fiddle and acts as a welcome screen to geopolitical agenda. With such huge resources of natural gas and oil, and key transit routes for delivery of the same, Syria becomes ever more enticing to maraud and conquer. It is plain wrong to call the carnage a religious war, when the majority of the Syrian army are Sunni. And do you not notice the absence of reports of the liberated residents of formerly ISIS or Nusra held areas? They are out there, but hard to find, and will not find you without effort. Precisely because they do not fit the narrative…

I am becoming side tracked, grasping at tangents, which is all too easy when it comes to the Middle East quagmire, and will now return to aim for the original destination, namely Israeli involvement in the Syrian Invasion.

Here is a excerpt from Hilary Clinton’s emails…

The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of
Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad.

Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel’s security, it would also ease Israel’s understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly. Then, Israel and the United States might be able to develop a common view of when the Iranian program is so dangerous that military action could be warranted. Right now, it is the combination of Iran’s strategic alliance with Syria and the steady progress in Iran’s nuclear enrichment program that has led Israeli leaders to contemplate a surprise attack — if necessary over the objections of Washington. With Assad gone, and Iran no longer able to threaten Israel through its, proxies, it is possible that the United States and Israel can agree on red lines for when Iran’s program has crossed an unacceptable threshold. In short, the White House can ease the tension that has developed with Israel over Iran by doing the right thing in Syria.

(H Clinton to her Israeli counterparts 2001)

Israel are fierce enemies of Assad. The disputed mineral rich Golan heights region has in the majority been under Israeli control for many moons. The Greater Israel Project demands causing mega strife between all neighbouring countries, as part of the agenda to expand. The Invasion of Syria is on Israel’s doorsteps. Yet we hear, learn, see nothing of Israeli involvement in Syria through the MSM.

Israel have been likely at the spearhead of directing the ISIS/AL Nusra invasion of Syria. It is part of their own well publicised to everywhere but the West agenda. They have been heavily involved with the purchase of stolen oil from Syria, openly supporting the very worst head chopping heart eating invaders…

‘From the outset of the foreign-sponsored insurrection in Syria, Israel has decidedly backed the armed opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Reports have shown that Israeli forces have been providing safe haven, hospital care and even weaponry to anti-Assad militants, including to the most radical outfits like ISIS and Al-Nusra Front. On top of material and logistical aid, the Israeli air force has unleashed dozens of air strikes on Syrian regime and allied Hezbollah targets throughout the conflict.’

Taken from here>>>

And from The Duran

These Al-Nusra and Al-Qaeda attacks would not be possible without air support from Israel. Indeed, Israel has admitted many times that it supports these terrorists, whom it calls “moderate rebels”.

Israeli hospitals actually treat Al-Nusra terrorists, and Israeli ambulances regularly enter Syria to evacuate injured Al-Nusra terrorists via the Jbata crossing in northern Al-Quneitra to the Occupied Palestinian territories.  Many of the weapons seized by the Syrian army from the terrorists as they tried to cross into Sweda Province in southern Syria to surround Damascus were made in Israel.

And from the Wall Street Journal…

Israel has opened its borders with Syria in order to provide medical treatment to Nusra Front and al-Qaida fighters wounded in the ongoing civil war,

And whilst I am on the topic of Israel…it came as no surprise to learn of the zionist regime’s meddling in UK politics. Confirmation, as if it was needed, that not only do they aim to ‘take down’ any politicians who do not sing to their song sheet, but also, they literally put the words into the mouths of their slaves…The worst of which, is that this chap, openly plotting against UK politicians, has not been expelled from England, not in the slightest. The Israeli embassy ‘apologised’ and all is fine and dandy. So if you want to plot to take down UK politicians, just get your boss to say sorry and no problem, get back to your ‘taking down’ of our government. Does this not seem bizarre? He should be OUT if not arrested for high fucking treason. Ye,..NO. This is Israel, its okay that they are manipulating our government, no issue, just pipe down, and please…stop making these videos, its a damn bother, we have to get scripts produced, spend money on marketing, then the MSM, save us the gold in future eh? let us save it for the real deal…Indeed.


Israel has yet again attacked Syria, throwing their weight into the long sought regime change routine by bombing a military airport in Damascus…



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