We are lost in our own darkness…

By tdf, October 8, 2017

There is so much happening, so much that has happened long before our shared idea of Now, that it has become impossible to understand any settled semblance of our perception of Existence.

Strange energy pulses from Antartica in step with earthquakes close to South and Central America, hurricanes, horrific storms, the ocean receding by hundreds of yards…all in the space of a few days. ALongside the revelations of finally, message received, of two black holes colliding, becoming as One…

Further analysis of the recorded moments of our history as humanity which defy logical conclusion…the pyramids at Giza for example. How did slave labour carve up such huge blocks of rock, with such astonishing accuracy of shape…and place them so perfectly in line with axis of the Earth? Why were many far removed from each other cultures building pyramids around similar times? Why does astrology find such accuracy, when you delve deeper than a mere generic Sun sign offering in the the local drivel papers? What used to be considered as valuable as we now think of biology, but is now seen as silly…

I find so much belief in other-wordly, perhaps preternatural, possibly supernatural, in the stories passed down generation to generation, which were culled with the industrial revolution. Are we better off to consider what centuries of humans believed in as clearly, plain stupid and lacking the ‘knowledge’ we have now? Or have we become industrialised ourselves? More machine than human.

We can cure so many diseases, many of which came as part of our ‘progress’. We can see further into space than ever before, send probes to study Saturn’s beautiful rings, yet our studies of humanity and all creatures great and small seem to be now set as solely commercial. We do not even understand why and how we dream…And are herded to focus on Love as a reality TV show. When Love is all that can ever matter…it rarely makes any sense, in its most passionate form given to us by Nature, but it is the richest wine of life than can be supped.

I used to believe that Love begun and ended with charity, of truly, always wanting the very best for another…but I have come to understand that Love begins and ends with Trust. Of believing everything of another expressed is True. Honest as the Forest.

Yes yes! We have made so many scientific discoveries,  we have designed weapons which liquidise millions in seconds….

The sole beauty we can seek and embrace, even when we find the thorns that have grown from a soul living vulnerable and driven…is Love. It is understanding of ourselves, without which we can give no other any slither of True Romance…and when we are fortunate, blessed enough, to sense this most precious of things of any value we can decide upon for ourselves or be told by others we respect and admire, we must focus upon and fight all opponents to this, for it is a rare and precious thing, the only glorious, all consuming thing worth fighting for…I wouldnt wish to share any of myself with anyone who didnt seek to find another with whom they can entangle so totally that neither can tell or cares, where one ends and the other begins…

So much interference, so much misguidance, all towards our own ruin, and more importantly, directed away from those souls we come across who make the world seem a better, more interesting, sometimes more painful, place.

We have lost our own appreciation of what matters most. Those souls we collide us who can truly move us. It is easy to swim with the minnows in the shallows, but this blunts the spirit, this curtails real and worthy opportunity for real and meaningful growth.

Divinity is always closeby, not just in our own accursed species, but more readily, in nature…

Head to a waterfall.

Head to a hill in which you can climb and feel you are one with the clouds.

And of the human hordes…

See kinship solely with those who cause your soul to become inspired, to feel less alone,

your spirit to become aflame,

your heart to become a ship in a storm…



I mean all creatures great and small.

I often find more solace, more solidarity,

with the way the blossom falls on my face during the middle days of SPring…

with the symphony of the branches and leaves swaying in time to the wind.


I will continue to beat my oars against the tide,

I will continue to swim into the wilds,

for there is no value, no inspiration, no warmth,

to be found in the shallows,

of those who are clinging together in fear,

leaning on prescribed by our overseers demonstrations on how to behave…

I seek solely those fellow human souls,

and spirits,

which seek more than we are told to accept.


The only overseer I know is my Love….

We all need to return to our Innocence…

seek solely what it yearns.





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