The finest Women are valuable not because they are Women, like the finest men are not valuable primarily because they are men. Their value, at least to me, is found first, foremost and always in their honesty.
ANy hint of Misandry or Misogyny is not found in those I value. Precisely because we have far more at stake and to deal with than the reality of manufactured gender pussy riot politics. Its the direction of the mainstream towards gender politics that encourages a couple of meatheads in the queue at Coles, to respond to my change in tone towards a lady at the checkout when she forgets my request for tobacco, then rolling papers, and this tone would change the same for a man, probably more angry, and the meatheads glare and menace with body language and move too close around me as I prepare my bike for launch…and probably feel they are doing something good. I sigh and snarl in return…
I am unsure, and only ponder, not care, if it seems appalling, to suggest we have moved from a difference of skin colour with muted response, to a difference in gender to seal flapping in the aquarium for more sardines tossed by the minder…
The best of any species is not focused on its gender. This is a direction by design. And I am surprised, at first, by anyone who doesnt see this. Then I am unavoidably brimming with contempt.
Yes it matters when I meet a man or woman, if they are a man or a woman, but it matters more who and how and what they are well beyond gender…in heart, in soul, in spirit, in mind. \
Keny ARkana is one of the truest screams of the femininity of the wilderness in human form I have ever heard. She seem as street weathered and wise for the experience as any man I have known. ANd her eyes remains Womanly Beautiful.
I am too long in the fang and prone to reveal anything of depth impulsively when I find others who hint at the same.
Gender blind to everything but my sexual impulses,
which are strong but dont govern me,
for other primal urges are stronger and of the spirit,
nothing holy,
more weasel,
…it cant be helped…
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