Whilst poring through thesis after thesis, debate after debate, all focused on the BREXIT referendum, I am compelled to offer some context in regards to the alleged legitimacy of referendums.
Nobody seems to have any issue with the nature and value and importance of the UK BREXIT referendum. Nobody had any issue with the Scottish independence referendum.
Give the people a voice, a vote, a simple yes or no to decide the future direction of their lives and communities. Why wait for the years to pass for government elections? When a matter of prime importance appears, we all deserve a say, a vote, and should not need to rely on the movements of those we elected to speak on our behalf in parliament many moons ago.
The Kosovo referendum? Accepted by all Western powers. I will offer a clue as to why…
Camp Bondsteel – One of many hundreds of US military bases found across the world.
Yet there is one referendum, which took place in recent years, which the same Western powers who accept and applaud all of the above, have told us was an invasion, an annexation, a prime example of the aggression expansionism of our major enemies. This referendum took place in Crimea.
96% of Crimeans voted to rejoin Russia. There was no bloodshed, no invasion, no need for a no fly zone, just a simple vote. Yet the result was reported to us in the West as a sham of democracy, as Russian aggression.
What is perfectly legitimate for the Scots, the English, the Kosovans, is NOT legitimate for the Crimeans.
Crimea was an autonomous state. Their referendum for their autonomy was accepted by the West in 1991. The region was part of Russia and the former Soviet Union for aeons before.
Yet…rather than afford the Crimeans the same privileges as the Scots, the English, the Kosovans, we are instead told that their will, their staggering support to avoid the death squads unleashed by a US orchestrated military coup in Kiev, was a ‘sham of democracy’ and has since been repeatedly cited as an invasion by Russia.
Autonomous – Independent of the laws of another state or government; self-governing. b. Of or relating to a self-governing entity: an autonomous legislature. c. Self-governing with respect to local or internal affairs: an autonomous region of a country.
The next time you you hear someone speak of Russia’s aggressive annexation of Crimea, ask them of BREXIT, of the Scottish Independence vote, of Kosovo’s independence vote. And ask yourselves in turn…
England, alongside the US, have invaded and decimated Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen in recent years (and are clandestinely operating in many more countries), caused no end of suffering which continues and worsens every hour to this very day. Russia have been invited to assist the repeatedly elected by a huge margin Syrian leader to fight ISIS, have accepted the will of the Crimean people and yet not the US and England, but RUSSIA, is the obvious enemy! Try making sense of that.
You are been lied to. You are been manipulated. The very rules our leaders hold up as sacred, are respected ONLY when it suits the interests of their overseers, which should be you and me, but this is not the case. Cameron, Obama, Hollande and company do the bidding not of the people but of the multi-national powers who seek nothing more than profit. The mainstream media, military industrial complex, agricultural and pharmaceutical multi-nationals, OWN OUR GOVERNMENTS. They put them in power, they decide legislation and foreign policy in the name of PROFIT. Destroy a country, make a few billion. The black market profiteers have long ago taken power well above any semblance of ‘elected officials’, whether that be your local MP or a President. The intoxication of consumerism, the brainwashing of mainstream media, the consistent destruction and desecration of sovereign secular countries non aligned to Western financial interests is all part of the same agenda geared towards nothing but PROFIT.
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