apocalypse now…(23rd September)

By tdf, October 5, 2007

I was wrapping a piece of halibut steak, rapidly but with practiced efficiency, when the power to the Store was suddenly cut. As there are only windows at the front of the building, most of the Store went pitch black…For a few seconds there was silence, an eerie lack of human sound, expressing the weirdness of nobody knowing what to do…It wasn’t long before a joker screamed, which set of a staggered ripple of laughter throughout the stunned customers and staff. Then the back up generator kicked in, and Light was restored…Other than briefly mentioning the horrifying task of disposing of thousands of pounds worth of fresh produce- food that despite passing the magic ’30 minute rule’ was still viable for consumption-we can leave that saga there. It was those first few seconds of Darkness which I want to focus upon…

When that main power unit died and with it the torches of light which allow us humans to move around like busy bees in a hive, my first thought was ‘It has Started…’. My mind was referring to a nuclear explosion in the UK. The beginning of a war that has been building since Einstein first uncovered the science which would later be used to devise bombs capable of destroying countries, maybe even whole planets. Heavy thoughts indeed. But I wasn’t tensing up, in fact I was relaxed and at peace…perhaps even silently excited by the prospect of the obliteration of the World as I know it, and the Dawning of a New World, a New Age of Humanity. An end to the reign of the current megalomaniac killer priests who are running Us and this planet into the fucking ground…

I mentioned my thoughts to a few colleagues after the back-up generator had started sporadically providing periods of light. They laughed. Out of nervous fear or assuming I was joking. But I wasn’t telling a yarn for the sake of a few smiles. The thoughts had come to me very clearly, from a soul of brutal awareness and vivid imagination.

While we go about our daily lives in this country…working jobs we don’t enjoy but which give us enough money to survive and play with at the weekend, doing our bit to keep the sharp cogs of our society well oiled and turning, losing ourselves in chemical escape to dull the pain of Existence. Creating new mouths to feed out of selfishness disguised as the instinct to reproduce. Compromising our individuality for security, choosing superficiality over spirituality, decimating the very forces from whence we arrived in this World…while we continue to support and advocate the very system which homes us, war is brewing.

There are millions of people screaming everyday for my head on a stick. For the fierce destruction of me and my leaders. It isn’t a personal vendetta. I know that. However, I don’t wish the same onto them. Because they have reason for wishing the UK razed to the ground. And that reason, simply put, is that some of the tax money we pay is used to send our powerful military machine to areas of the world where we cause more Death than Peace. You and I pay for it.

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