thoughts on dreams…

By tdf, October 5, 2007

I have various ideas about the DreamWorld. All of which, if put together, would make this ‘note’ a novel. Fortunately there are two ideas in particular that I have subscribed to for many years.
The first of which is by no means universally accepted but something nonetheless I almost know to be true… All life is connected. Creatures who enjoy a seriously strong bond, become strongly connected. Souls can become intertwined, wrapped around each other so tightly that thoughts and feelings can pass between the souls. So, if John has a strong bond with Sharon, and they are apart, it is possible for some of John’s feelings and thoughts to appear in the soul of Sharon, in her dreams…In short, connections in the dream world can be as Real as connections in the Waking Life, two parties can be connected through a dream, both affected, but in different ways…

The second main idea, one which is widely accepted by scientists and non scientists alike, is this: Dreams are a show of our inner most feelings and thoughts, creations spawned by the deepest parts of our being, our soul. They illustrate our Real desires, hopes, loves, fears and concerns. The sub-conscience soul doesn’t lie, it just IS. And it is that area which comes alive when we sleep, when we dream. The more vivid the dream, the more powerful the seed in the soul it has grown from. Our sub-conscience doesn’t speak the same language as our conscience, it hasn’t been taught English, and expresses itself not through a string of sentences, like my conscience is doing now as I write this note, but as Dreams filled with symbolism. It works in symbols…

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