BREXIT – A vote for independence

By tdf, June 4, 2016

The majority, as with anything and everything that matters, appear to be using headlines and sound bites to decide how they will vote in the upcoming BREXIT referendum. Having just registered to vote, after taking in a fair few hours of perspective from both sides of the divide, and knowing that many of my kin lack the interest or time to watch debate after debate, to peek at facts and figures, and are made ‘aware’ by the bulletins they find when pressing a button, as they enjoy a break from work or eat dinner with the kids, I feel a responsibility to explain my vehement support of the LEAVE campaign as briefly and vitally as possible.

Allow me to perform a hatchet job first and foremost on this surreal suggestion that we are SAFER as part of the EU, for the EU has played a part in avoiding war in Europe. This is lunacy. Does any right minded individual who has traveled to France or Germany believe for a mili-second that these cultures, these peoples, harbour eagerness for war which is somehow kept in check by the EU? Nonsense. Plain fucking nonsense. Its as valuable a position as to talk of Russia as a menace…which I have seen plenty of the REMAIN camp hold up as evidence of the hapless LEAVE brigade. Russia have invaded nowhere, they have waged war, to my knowledge, on US supported sunni extremists in Chechnya and made the immense move to save Syria. Whilst the EU, with direction from NATO, have provoked Russia in every way imaginable short of a direct military attack on their sovereignty. We have decimated Ukraine and if you really need any direction in terms of how the US views the EU, kindly peek here>

This is the Secretary for Eurasian Affairs, Victoria ShitCunt Newland, openly deciding the new leaders of Ukraine, and adding for good measure ‘Fuck the EU’.

‘Great, thanks!’ says the EU official, after been made aware of the US choices for the leaders of Ukraine, a country Russia apparently invaded. hohoho! Would not Russia be deciding the leaders of Ukraine had they invaded?

In terms of our good pals the US, clearly they have been complicit in the formation and supply and protection of ISIS. I could delve much deeper into this, but will steel myself to instead offer a prime example or two, straight from the source…

After admitting that the US government have known about ISIS oil smuggling routes to Turkey for many moons, the US secretary of Defence gives the reason for refusing to bomb the multi million dollar enterprise of ISIS as ‘ we have and continue to try withhold attacks on the general infrastructure…energy, electricity, water…that is also necessary for the people of Syria...’.

The US government watched for more than a year ISIS make millions from oil extraction and delivery to our good pals Turkey and avoided interfering, out of respect for the Syrian people?

Whereas Russia, within weeks of entering the horror-show, highlighted to the world these trade routes, the incoming supply lines of recruits, weapons, vehicles from Turkey and the outgoing mass convoys of oil, then bombed them, they attacked ISIS. They did not sit back and watch, out of respect to the Syrian people, they fought for the Syrian people as a rampaging horde of foreign backed, foreign supplied savages raped and pillaged their country. And yet…Russia is the enemy?

Rather than sit back and watch ISIS fund their savagery by delivering Syrian oil to Turkey, Russia take a different approach…

Yet back to the main points I must cover…

We will not be barred entry to the free trade zone. Last year our balance of trade with the EU was 66bn pounds in favour of imports. French agriculture, german automobile manufacturing, italian fashion industry (amongst others) have the UK as hugely its major consumer. There is no chance that these countries will suddenly decide they can do without 66bn pounds in order to punish us. It would lead to huge job losses, riots, the erosion of their economies and societies. The most logical conclusion is that trade will continue, for they need us, to the tune of 66bn pounds…We are the biggest customer of the EU, this is essential to grasp.

Our net expenditure on EU membership, after the rebate routine is taken into account, is 10bn pounds per year. This is enough to build a new hospital every week. We could use that money to invest in the UK where we decide how and where that money is spent. Does that not seem preferable to chucking 10b pounds to a cackle of brutes in suits in Brussels, elected by nobody but big business, to play with as they please with zero accountability?

There is also the matter of EU regulation, red tape, which costs the UK up to 600m pound per week. This would be culled, allowing swifter, less costly business enterprise to blossom. Which is hard to see in any way but positive.

Presently, we have no control over immigration. hundreds of thousands of EU citizens are moving to the Uk every year, with no checks in place, of their skills, their criminal record, their history, and they can all dive straight into the UK public welfare system. Which is causing the NHS and other vital services publicly funded  to stretch to breaking point. We are running out of houses, of space, of resources, as we try to deal with the mammoth influx of migrants from all over the EUROZONE. This cannot continue, unless we accept less and less in social welfare provision.

To LEAVE will allow us to regain control of our borders, it will allow us to forge our own trade agreements with other countries outside of the EU, it will allow us to claw back the horrific 60% of law making capacity we have ceded to the EU, it will allow us to cut the millions lost in red tape. And at what cost? There will be no war with or between France or Germany. There will be no collapse. There will be nothing obviously awful to contend with, only more control of our own destiny as a country with trade to the EU remaining as is, and trade to the rest of the world growing exponentially.

There are many valuable economic studies to absorb. However, for a wise overview I strongly advise you to watch this speech in its entirety –

And to finish this admittedly very basic outline of the major points, let us peek at those who are supporting the REMAIN campaign…

The President of the United Snakes, standing on British soil, threatening the British people, because he is our ‘friend’. This is the spokesman for a power bloc who have wreaked chaos and mass slaughter the world over and continue to do so. He has ‘presided’ over the destruction of Libya, the attempted destruction of Syria, the creation and support of ISIS, the destruction of Yemen, the continued genocide in Gaza, the destruction of Ukraine and the most overt global assassination program ever to manifest on Earth.

So yes yes! By all means, if you are into that kind of thing, vote to REMAIN. If you consider Obama your friend, vote to REMAIN. Personally, I despise that pigfucker and the anglo-zionist power bloc he represents, for its the most obvious scourge of the planet the world has ever known.

Indeed, there is also the global banksters who support REMAIN, such as good ol’ Goldman Sachs. Banks and Multi national corporations are your friend? Jp Morgan threatening to leave the UK as well as other mainstays of Wall street. I do not support the banks and corporations who have fucked us over for decades, do you?

And then there is David Cameron. Like his ‘good friend’ Obamistan, this is a man who sucks the teat of the multi national corporate entities which rule the world, which decide the wars, which cripple countries then force austerity measures into place to ‘assist’ them, sending in their own pals to rape and pillage all viable resources. They are corporate killers and thieves, well above the law, for they are the law. Is this something you agree with? Something you wish to continue?

How can it not be a good thing to control our own borders? How can it not be a good thing to decide our own laws? How can it not be a good thing to save 10bn pounds per year to spend instead on our own country? How can it not be a good thing to forge trade agreements with the rest of the world without waiting years for unelected officials in Brussels to add caveat after caveat after caveat to their own ends?

Returning finally to Russia, obliquely…If we REMAIN, Merkel is determined to incorporate Turkey into the EU. Do you want to vote for the clearest ally of ISIS to become our new partners in law, in trade, in deciding our own future and the way we live our lives?

A superstate of Europe is great for the US, its great for ISIS, its great for multinational corporations, its great for the TTIP…all of which is horrid for us.

I will be voting LEAVE. I hope after reading the above, and forging your own informed research, that you will do the same.


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