Gems in the mega rough – Nobody sees your tears in a storm

By tdf, June 3, 2016

My fangs have become long and now protrude ungainly even when I try to smile. Trapped to such a degree that I find parts of myself dancing in tune with those adhering to a life absent of feeling, out of habit, a life delineated by ignoble acts, a life taught, rinsed and repeated, door to door, face to face, mouth to mouth. My heart baulks with horror and pain, my lupine spirit howls, as I look left, right, up, down, and even to my surface, and find nothing of value, of meaning, of growth, of substance. I am finding nothing but an awkward acceptance of everything I hate become me.

Is this the habitat where I dwell, am marooned? To some degree the answer is YES, for the majority I collide with cause me to rage and fang and ponder whether they are brain dead, soul dead, or governed by overt direction to behave like a cunt to everyone but themselves.

The world is at war, in our name, with our taxes, and yet…we smile, talk of Game of Thrones, work, consume, pay no heed to the carnage of war after war waged in foreign lands, accept the message unchallenged, of this brutal dictator must go, this brutal dictator must go, this brutal dictator must go…When our overseers and co-opted media machines have lied to us in recent history in terms of WHY we destroyed foreign lands, why would you believe them thereafter? The ability, the capacity to question proven liars, is vanishing by the day.

If a friend lies to you about something important, do you then trust them totally thereafter?

When our government and media lies to us about a situation which destroys a country, a culture, a people, we thereafter believe everything more they tell us?

Can you not see there is something so fucking wrong? Turn a blind eye. We are OK, so why worry eh?

Constant war. Constant mass killing. Constant brain washing to accept this as the norm….a million dead in Iraq. Yes yes! That was Saddam’s fault! Libya a blood bath. Blame The Colonel. Syria is Hades. Blame Assad. Ukraine in flames, Blame Putin. We are hooked in our devotion to work and consume, to a Death Machine. By the time there is nothing left to kill, rape, pillage, destroy but ourselves, it will be too late to conjure rebellion. Unless those of true grit, step forward…

Its the seeking of all that is real, all that is fond, all that is honest, all that moves you in head and heart, its love. I seek those souls. People who mean everything they say. They are few and far between, and found almost exclusively surrounded by forests and lakes…

They do not seem normal. They do not seem akin to what you see on your TV or read in your papers or find in your colleagues. They are different, in every way which matters. They are speaking of the soul, even the echo of which makes you feel something…different. And different is weird, is wrong? Yet it moves you deep down, it makes you uncomfortable, for it suggests a challenge to everything you are bombarded with all through wakefulness…Its the call of the wild. Its the call of the essence of existence. Which knows Wrong from Right…

Seek solely those of honesty who mean something, to you and the world…it’s our only hope.



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