Most people, mainly here in Australia, which is what I know morning and day, throughout my wakeful exertions, are scum. Some deliver whispers of flickering candlelight in the storm, yet few of that crowd are prepared to reveal themselves as True…to a shared cause, of oneness, with the wilderness as much as each other. I see pigfuckers promoted by pigfuckers, as we toil in the corporate schoolyard, which mirrors the same found in our overseers…and this is no surprise, for one encourages and rewards the other. More gold for crushing your neighbour. And with that gold you can buy smarter threads, a bigger car, a tank on wheels! Forget the greenhouse effect, avoid the reality of our financial and moral input into crushing country after country, killing millions, in the name of PROFIT AND POWER…forget all that, just watch the Melbourne cup, focus on the football, and make sure you click the links to ‘Kim Kardashian has a shit’. Indeed, revel in your muck…My bambi heart wails ‘why is everyone lying?’ yet the lupine rotten fang of my spirit and psyche simply turn away, and understand they can teach the unthinking, solely feeling…nothing, then make a pact to protect whatever innocence is left….Why don’t more just try being…themselves…
Those closest to the soil and sea often inspire my eagerness to know them more deeply, though my only effort to ingratiate is to show more of myself.. I just wonder what the frauds are hoping for, faking for? I cannot ever even unwittingly place myself in the position of the human scum I encounter when colliding with 99% of the human hordes….so yes, I agree that the 1% are succumbing to deafening of the roar of our own wilderness, but it’s increasingly hard to find common ground with the 99%.
The pure are among us. Maybe fewer and farther between, yet still there….somewhere…and they are worth seeking out, and the sole journey to this is living with a steady output of open and real and of as much as you are you can bear to reveal, Yes yes! by living cruel and cunning, you can prosper, but by living so, you ruin any chance of bonding with purity, the richest wine that can be drank…for purity ain’t cunning and cruel. At least, not the kind of Purity I know and feel as the geyser of my most natural sense of Goodness…Most wakeful periods lead to the conviction that Oscar is the most right thinking creature I know…
To have to ponder the tone, weight, meter, body language and context, of collisions with those of my own tribe, to survive, suggests that I am closer to the foxes and kangaroos, for when the initial, vital query of ‘You trying to eat me>?’ is done with to mutual satisfaction, everything else which abounds, is interesting. Non Humans seem to generally defend, upon first meeting, and once no warfare is made obvious, they go about their business…sometimes make friends. Are we so much better for going many miles of psyche beyond this? The survival instinct, which is our instinct closest to the spirit, has been co-opted, and directed into other areas. We have been taught to go from SURVIVAL to CONDITIONED CONCERNS AND ENCOURAGED COMPETITION…all too quickly and commonly. Are they more pretty than me? Such thoughts rarely if at all find traction in the life of a wolf. For the Wolf will think, if we do not want to kill each other…i am interested in who you are.
Its becoming a hard task to find the True…
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