Strangers and friends alike are writing to tell me,
im a selfish murderer right wing trump supporter,
asking me to avoid having children.
because I mention when asked,
I have not yet had the vaccine.
These people are insane. And absurd.
I understand they are under pressure.
Told from every angle that anyone who refuses to do as told,
refuses the VACCINE,
I am not amazingly healthy.
yet I think of the millions of healthier folks,
with zero COVID vaccine stamp
and them and me are already within a realm where the overseers condemn us as EVIL,.
use their media connexions to convey this message.
and the drones so long consuming their bullshit,
rinse and repeat, with spastic pride.
This is beyond me…I turn to SESS>>
and Grimm…
I am not hugely surprised by my family,
they watch solely the main stream of the SCREENS.
what they find by pressing the same buttons ‘everyone else’ presses…
I am, however, affected, made glum, by….
those long term self proclaimed ‘lefties’
and wannabe anarchists,
who now bow down to the STATE they spent decades,
suggesting they were against…
I don’t understand…..
or find trouble to accept that…
I am living around a Many,
who condemn the healthy as selfish naive toxic killers.
and my instincts tell me…those simply suspicious,
of proven lairs deceving us into MASS MURDER,
should be.,,questioned.
And yet…
I can still find happy crests of waves to embrace flowing through me,
and emerge from my diving into the ocean
resetting of all senses,
widening of all primal,
and seek with a village idiot vodka drenched smile,
common ground with….not only the intoxicating Prince Valkovsky,
but another Prince>>>
and why not this>>>
I can write like a mad poet of the Ages,
I have learned a lot of words and read many of the most amazing writers.
I just want to hide withi poetic ramblingsĀ my way through life,
learn, adventure, report from where the prescription of the mundane droid existence,
meest the Wilderness I seek with every seconf of wakefuleness.
I am stuck fugue state in the 90s.
I yearn far more to live wild, naked and free.
My life has been…a series of appalling misunderstandings,
but so what eh!
we are now at WAR.
with corporations,
with their foot soldiers who have been conditioned to believe in their cause,
and as I measure outdoor cafe areas,
as a riot of a few hundred vs 10000 cops in gestapo gear,
is erupting,
and I think of all those know, who support this violence////
wannabe liberals comprosied to become WARMONGERS.
the healthy are condemned as MENACE TO SOCIETY,
The elderly are dying,
How much have you found mention of other diseases?
in the last 18 months
And how many are openly expressing hope the unvaccinated DIE DIE DIE
Anyone of righteous heart and zeal will fight,
when the time is more right,
against this.,
and those who find their paltry ego,
virtually stroked by heart signs on fuckbook,
for doing what the Overseers say is the right thing…
they are lame cunts,.
too weak to stand their ground.
refuse demand to OBEY.
proud of their heart symbols on corporate platforms..where nowt means a damn thing.
its vapid virtual ball cupping.
I cannot deny the anIMAL WITHIN for much longer,
for my mind knows….
it will be too late.
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