Israeli government turns it’s back on Peace…

By tdf, November 1, 2006

Due to his sagging popularity and lack of individual ability to repair the damage that his own actions have brought about, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert this week formed an official alliance with the leader of the Yisrael Beiteinu political party, Avigdor Lieberman. Every news agency I have checked directly states- in less adventurous language admittedly- that Lieberman is a warmongering, Arab hating, cold hearted killer who thrives on adopting and promoting strong-arm tactics and horrific violence onto the people he sees as the enemies of Israel.
The Guardian put it slightly better than I can when they said ‘(Lieberman is)a hard-liner who has called for stripping Israeli Arabs of citizenship, executing lawmakers for talking to Hamas and bombing Palestinian population centers. ‘.

During his last stint in cabinet in 2002, Olmert’s new buddy campaigned for the merciless carpet bombing of Palestinian petrol stations, banks and government offices. He resigned from his post after the government decided to pull out forces from the Gaza strip. A policy move which enraged the extreme right wing Zionist fuckbucket.

One of the main reasons Olmert was recently elected as Prime Minister was that he publicized plans for a unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank, which in effect would be returning more Palestinian land to the Palestinians, but this week’s arrival of Lieberman as Minister for Strategic Threats blows those plans of withdrawal well and truly out through the kibbutz windows.

The crux of this worrying reshuffle of Olmert’s pack is the 11 parliamentary seats which Yisrael Beiteinu brings to the government. Which brings the Prime Minister’s control to 78 of the 120 seats, ensuring that despite the growing public discontent caused by the devastating failure to quell Hizbollah and the slaughter of in excess of 1000 Arab civilians during the recent Lebanese invasion, the government are now beyond contest when it comes to making decisions for the country as a whole.

‘A government must have a stable majority, and we must set the rules for securing this, and a wide political base that would shield it,” Olmert said.

To make matters worse for anybody with vague aspirations of peace in the region, part of the deal which brings the undeniably fascist Leiberman into the government is a proposal to alter the structure of the political power tree in Israel. Basically Lieberman wishes to implement a US style system which will stomp the smaller parties out of parliament and increase/centralize the powers of the government. This is of course terrible news for any Israeli-Arab politicians as it makes their quest to get their voices heard at best ill-fated, at worst futile.

As a leading political analyst said upon hearing Lieberman’s appointment,
“‘Minister of Strategic Threats’!!!Lieberman IS himself a major strategic threat to peace in the middle east”. However, while the experts who are capable of mixing facts with bravery to speak their mind, despair at Olmert’s dangerous move to shore up the leaks in his own political ship, leading newspaper polls taken from across Israel point to Lieberman as the 2nd most popular public Israeli figure after the eternally adored Benjamin Netanyahu who holds the coveted number one spot.

It is shameful for the Israelis to offer such widespread support for a man who strongly asserts that all Israeli-Arab MPs who have had contact with members of the democratically elected ruling Palestinian party, Hamas, should be executed.

This is the equivalent of Tony Blair inviting the leader of the British National Party to take up a dual role as Minister for Immigration and Minister of Defence.

Ehud Olmert and his new Tzar of Fascism, Liebermen the Hut.

In effect, the Israeli leader has poured molten titanium into the fragile machinery of the Middle Eastern Peace process.

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