Three days wasted. Due to a collision with the laser gun and connected hands of AUTHORITY. Yes Yes! I was caught playing rocket man and the result was ugly. I shook as I took the breathaliser, which was an expression more of FUCK, NO MORE DEVIL STEED than concern of finding myself over the limit. Was I riding dangerously? Not by my reckoning, but I agree, by the standards set out by the overseers. I likely gave those fiends the safest thrill of their week, for what they assumed was a high speed pursuit, perhaps a criminal fleeing the scene of some sinister happening, for why would a man be forcing the issue with such venomous dedication, yet when I finally saw the flashing lights, I was instantly humbled, as I knew…I was fucked. The 6 month ban, financial punishments abounding, have caused shock waves in my system, but I am more bothered by the waste of these days since…Indeed, the devil steed is an extension of my essence, and I shall hugely miss, on a daily basis, the exhilaration and intensity of flying through the air at speeds which…dont fit the law of the land. And I could well bang on about the irony of selling guns then punishing people for shooting. Instead, I am more riddled with angst by how affected I have become, the shock wave leaving my innards stuck on RESET…when there is so much more I should be doing, writing, chasing, feeling…The swab test is the only real lingering concern.
NO. What should and must be my focus is what I can affect, where I can pour my mega zeal, the well I can plumb and bring back from dank darkness to the light, and to spread, to disseminate, to leave a record of a Man who meant well.
Of utmost concern must be the haphazard march of the snake head of our empire of serpents, hissing with increasing eagerness to bite at multiple enemies. Forget the Trump v Deep State battle. Forget the BREXIT pandemic. It should and must come as no surprise to anyone that the Western Empire, and it is very much an Empire, is ruled by the anglozionists. You can watch this, and know, without any doubt, what the US government faction thinks of their EU ‘partners’ aka vassal states aka slaves>
Yes yes! Fuck the EU!…Yet we can go further than this, and understand that clearly the established powers in Washington care equally little of the Americans. Which perhaps, to no value whatsoever, more Americans are realising.
The bigger issue is that Trump…Pence…Flynn…Sessions…small time crooks getting rich by sucking the teats of the devil cow…are merely mouthpieces of The Empire. This Empire is very much moving towards war with Russia, Iran, China and North Korea. They are already engaged in war with Yemen, Syria, Iran, Ukraine, through proxy. Yet they need and want more. To keep the guns firing, to keep the blood money flowing like tidal waves into their coffers. As they move to crush those few countries who have the strength to say FUCK YOU to the globalists.
Their backs are not against the wall, as some ghouls would have you believe. Their agenda is simply becoming more clear.
Let us take the minnows on the list of ‘more countries we must destroy’ as part of our ‘global war of terror’….North Korea. Indeed, they could be smashed and crunched and mangled. Yet for what reason? They refuse to bow to Washington. That is their only crime we care about. Its not the manner in which their autocratic despotism impoverishes and hurts their people. For any attack would result in absolute carnage for their people. The very folk we will likely be told we ‘wish to liberate’? And with a large amount of weapons, a 1million man standing army, they will not go down lamely. They will decimate South Korea….Wars need to be fought with a political agenda underlying the bombing. A chance of political gain. There is none to be had by bombing North Korea.
The Americans have proved themselves time and time again, as superb at mass slaughter, yet recklessly abysmal at winning wars for any obvious improvement to their own tribe, let alone those they deem worthy of destruction/liberation.
Iran? Its a dark joke to assume a country, a people, who suffered years of US rule under the SHah and watched the US arm Saddam as he gassed their armies, have not spent the proceeding decades, preparing for a US attack. They would prove devastating in many countries where US has interests in response to any attack. And would not lie down. Iran is no Iraq. They are ready. They have the guns, and the numbers and the unbreakable resolve, as any tribe has when brutally injured before by a foreign force. That is not a winnable war.
Russia and China? We are now talking nuclear apocalypse. And its the defensive, reactionary measures which will end the world as we know it, if either country is directly attacked. Have no doubt on this. Neither country poses any military threat to our way of life, but our way of life poses a direct and worsening military threat to their very existence. Ponder this.
So…the leaders of our Empire are focusing on attacking two countries which would bring about global nuclear apocalypse. And another which would cause the deaths of millions. Very well respected ‘experts’ and ‘advisors’ are focused on this path, as a result of this shocking, yet real hubris and arrogance of U S A! U S A!…
I am looking at White House lawyers leading the charge at the International Court of Justice, representing the nazis we put in power in Ukraine, against Russia. As we add more guns across Russian borders. Which seems at best, rather odd.
I have looked from afar as we have bombed Libya from a prosperous, functioning, blossoming state, into the dark ages. The same of Iraq. The same of Yemen. The same of Ukraine. What all these countries have in common is their decision to go their own way, demand respect and SOVEREIGNTY, against the anglozionist empire and its stooges.
I have cried as I have watched footage of countless palestinian children shot dead by our great pals of ISraHells ruling Zionist elite. 7 year olds walking home shot 50 times by an IDF soldier. It happens over and over again, and what do we do? We look the other way as our pigfucking leaders support and defend the killing of children, for throwing fucking stones at tanks demolishing their homes….
We, as a people, are more interested in My Kitchen Rules, than knowing our hard earned taxes are funding the global massacre of the innocent enemies of our overseers.
There is that to consider. And I doff my virtual panama to anyone, who like me, pours energy into screaming at people to open their eyes…in absence of which, we are adapting ourselves to existing in a system of mass deceit. Everybody is lying. The mass media is brimming with fairytales which even as a child I would have cried foul of. There is no encouragement to live your life spirited, wild, hopeful and free. Instead we have as role models, special needs cretins masquerading as ‘cool’, hipster beards and moronic films, and people clap, seals flapping their flippers at the aquarium as the sardines are thrown, adopting the demands, the orders of a manufactured reality.
Humans I meet, who I find of value to the world, let alone to our species, are few and far between. They are mainly well meaning psychopaths. By society standards. Tin hat mentalists.
Where are the real life heroes? Where are the men and women to lead us out of this blinkered existence of work, consume, compare HDTV definitions, SUV special features, calories burned on our fitbits? I await the emergence of such figures, and I will eagerly follow them, as they carve their way through Society, gathering wind in their sails as they prosper, as they head to the top, to destroy everything we know as the status quo. For the status quo is death to millions we will never know other than as bombing statistics, and a steady procession towards mindlessness of the masses of our own flock…
Begin the revolution through living honest. Lie to nobody. Follow your heart, no matter the reaction of the programmed human shaped droids. Follow your passions. And if you have no Eden in sight of your heart, seek others whose passions are singularly and collectively geared towards preparing for a war which WILL come to our shores. Ideally, combine the two. Seek the gritty poets, seek those forging a niche of harmonious existence with all creatures great and small and the trees and wind and ocean, seek those whose lives mean something, seek those who make your spirit howl with happiness at knowing them, seek those with flames in their eyes…seek nothing less.
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