Uk to bomb Syria…but why…and who will they bomb?

December 3, 2015

There are two very distinct strands to this scene. Firstly, since WWII our military foreign policy has been rather different in nature to what has been spoken about for many hours in the Commons and comparable political stages. Our recent history confirms our army as far closer to mercenaries at the beck and call of […]

Who are IS?

September 5, 2014

It appears the IS, formerly ISIS, formerly an offshoot of Al-qaeda, turn out to be…Our boys! “The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way,”- Obama, 2011. “Assad’s days are numbered” Obama, 2012. Speaking at a press conference at the conclusion of the two-day conference, […]

Hilary Clinton

MH17 – All evidence points to US/Ukraine false flag operation

July 27, 2014

By this stage of the game we all should be acquainted with the MO of the US led mass propaganda machine. They lie on the grandest stage possible. Berate and Accuse their enemies. Ignore any criticism. Encourage rallying behind the flag. Produce zero real evidence to back up their claims. Then repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. […]

Obama Bin laden

Enemies with Benefits Act 1 : WE ARE RIGHT

May 17, 2014

Let us begin this voyage of doom and gloom, necromancy of the lowest order and devastating deceit delivered on an unprecedented scale with our sights set on Afghanistan… So much has transpired since the Western War Machine moved out of neutral and began its overt global march across several sovereign nations that it is easy […]