This World…

By tdf, June 14, 2007

This world is one of promotions, profit margins, bonuses and deception. It is a world of meaningless handshakes, crocodile tears, hollow smiles and respect without organic roots. It is a world of towing the line, swallowing pride, looking the nicest and climbing the ladder…It is a world of giving in, accepting what we are told, cleverly designed slavery, expensive phones, plasma tv screens and oil guzzling status symbols. A world plagued by a lack of Honour, of real love, real compassion and virtue.A world which rewards not those who live with dignity, not those who want nothing more than to live life their way, but those who thrive on advancing themselves through selling their soul to the Dark Side, those who stomp on others to move swiftly up the food chain, those who lie, cheat and steal. A World in which true scum is revered while the righteous, the decent, the real children of Mother Earth are ridiculed, laughed at, despised and destroyed, cell by cell, day by day.
It is a World of toiling for the benefit of others, of blinkered awareness, of ignorance to the spiritual realm that produces and connects all that is Alive on this planet and in the Cosmos. It is a world of Sex without love, of fucking without feeling, of debasement without attonement. It is a world of punishment without forgiveness, selfishness without generosity, cruelty without kindness. It is a world where wings are clipped, feet are shackled, eyes gouged out, hearts burnt to crisps, and gentle souls lined up, hung drawn and quartered. A World where Dreams are shattered before they even take shape, replaced by darkness and rancour. It is a world of superficiality, cultural erosion, increased separation between Man and Nature. It is a World where the rich shit on the Poor, the strong devour the weak, the cunning manipulate the Dumb.
This is a world of carefully distributed propaganda, government sanctioned brainwashing, bloodless politicians and demon kings.

I am part of this World I so despise, I am a drop in this ocean of sewage, I am a tree which grows in this forest of horrors. SO why do I continue? If this world is as I write?? Why do I take another breath as the outward exhalation of de-oxygenated air is forced from my lungs???

I continue because hidden amongst the miasma of carnage and gloom can still be found Beauty so magnificent that it brings tears of joy to my eyes.
The beauty of the morning chorus of playful birds, the buzzing of bees as they move from flower to flower, the rain and the wind, the four legged beasts, the fish and the coral, the jungles, the great rivers, the mountains and canyons. The beauty of the Moon’s effect on the vast Seas which separate the land dwellers, the sun’s rays sparkling off calm tropical waves, the lightning and the thunder. The beauty of a wolf howling, a new born baby crying, a cobra hissing, a horse neighing, a seagull squawking and a grasshopper jumping. The beauty of Friendship, of a mother’s unwavering affection for her children, of the innocence of adolescence.
Of all the Beauty I can see and feel in this world, nothing comes close to the beauty of True Love. The beauty of feeling like two people are snowflakes from the same blizzard, raindrops from the same storm, soul-mates, meant to be…The feeling of having someone else in your blood, running through your veins, sharing every thought and reaction, not only witnessing but gladly reveling in your Existence as if they themselves are Part of you and you are Part of them. True Love which fills you with Pride, with warmth deep inside, with meaning, with purpose. Intense as it is rare, this kind of Beauty, forgives as well as forgets, blossoms as everything else decays, adds hope to a hopeless world. It is unavoidable, unchangeable, indomitable. It is Peace but also Fire, Water but also Earth, Real but also Magical and beyond any scientific measure. It is the richest wine of Life that can be drunk, often the hardest to face but also the most blissful connection of souls…When you can see your own reflection beaming out of another’s eyes with pure joy and pure love, this world is undeniably Beautiful…It makes no sense, but it is perfection. It is my raison d’etre….

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