April 20, 2018
Its been too much focus on war, war and more war…I have long neglected my eagerness, my obligation, to share with others a reminder of proper hippetyhop. Which is even more important in these ghoulish times of slimy mongs puffing joints and nodding their heads as their prime ‘appeal’…And so, without further ado, I […]
November 24, 2017
My focus has very much shifted of late. From the steady tidal wave of humanity destroying humanity, at many levels, not just governmental or big finance or the military industrial complex or the sinister, harrowingly powerful religious maniacs, but also on a level closer to our own lives, where the guided or merely trickle down […]
September 14, 2017
I first came across Laird Hamilton when living in Brighton, as a 21 year old, in a cosy Hanover home, with a lively old skool skater hippetyhop emcee named Richy…he introduced me to many a fine sound, and we found kinship through skunk and muppet racemania, but the finest memory is one night, with the […]
July 16, 2017
We can seek and embrace the cynicism, we can accept the world is a horrible place and bear the same arms of those who find power and success, and use these weapons to seek the same ends. We can condone our species, our scourge of the Earth and beyond, for our emissions spread well beyond […]
July 13, 2017
I begin with the heaviest, absent of subtitles, yet they are not needed for the message is felt loud and proud in the femurs of all who could ever matter. And to add some context, for my views of the scarf wearing arrogant fop frogs… And with an awkward to some, but fine and perfect […]
July 6, 2017
Something is changing within me. I am becoming more eager to focus and grasp towards the happy souls, and the echoes of their presence>>> Any human who can drink a glass or three of fine spirits, smoke a J, and feel comfortable, then listen to that song, no need to understand the words, its all […]
May 27, 2017
Theresa May She is a mature woman of about fifty seven, slightly above medium height, with rather short, thin grey hair and with a wispy, close to indiscernible, moustache and beard. She dresses decently, even fashionably for a woman of her station, but not particularly elegantly or with any semblance of femininity; at first glance […]
November 24, 2016
Maturity brings a lessening of shuddering towards the perception of others of self. It brings an assurance, a knowing, of what I am, and who and what I Value, hold dear, seek and embrace with love…The idealist realist, prone to the effusive, unable to avoid baring my fangs at the conceit and duplicity of the […]
October 1, 2016
It is remarkable to ponder how much the world has changed since September 11th, 2001. The events of that fateful day were the catalyst for what has been branded the ‘war on terror’, yet feels and looks to the millions who have suffered as a ‘war OF terror’. Afghanistan was the first to feel the […]
September 16, 2016
I remain peaking from under my furrowed brow, as a year which has proven rarely anything removed from appalling, has of late, amped up the vividness of horror. Familial warfare wears me down. Yet it was learning of the most beautiful soul I know and have felt close, in dire jeopardy, that sent me into […]
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