(apologies for the garbled nature of the following…I began, then was undone by the FBI input, which derailed my eagerness to rant, for it changed everything…then I continued this evening, albeit lacking enthusiasm…still, some of the below remains valuable, so kindly wade through the word swamp. Cheers, Daniel)
I follow global affairs fanatically. Daily poring through both the mainstream maelstrom and devouring lengthy efforts at painting a more honest picture from those wondrous truth tellers who have fought hard to find their pip squeak of a voice heard, by me and others. Overtly atop the power pyramid appears the SHite House, by many logical measures the epicentre of most of the world’s woes. Yet before I launch my analysis of Hilary Clinton, I must plead for any readers to note that the Shite House seems of merely symbolic potency, for there are far more powerful elements at play, sometimes working seemingly with the ‘leader of the free world’, often against. Still…the position holds some sway, at least with the mainstream well managed psyche of the many.
I am simply asking you to understand that the alleged ‘leader of the free world’ namely the american president, is closer to a spokesman to some of the Deep State, Old Money, Pentagon melange than appears obvious…And so onto Hilary, who had appeared the logical spokeswoman of a portion of the mega powers launching war after war, curtailing all dissent, slicing and dicing not just our own ability to thrive and survive but the very chance of existence of millions globally. That was until the FBI reopened the email investigation…
This pretty much suggested that Trump had been chosen as the new mascot for Death Inc. For to have such control over the FBI, and to force their hand to make such a move literally a few days before the election confirmed that Trump – perhaps without knowing – had some extremely powerful crowds anointing him from the shadows, before a vote had been cast…
Still, I will continue with what I had intended to finish, which was to highlight a few major reasons why I despise Hilary, an Establishment darling, and why anyone but her would be preferable as the leader of the SHite House. A shame we didn’t see Gadaffi revived to run for the role, for he would have given Trump a run for his money! And he would have had my support from afar…no doubt.
I have no confidence whatsoever in the US electoral system. It was a filthy, wretched debacle when HST was writing of the same 50 years back, and has only worsened since. Still, notional, symbolic or something else, the position offers the totem of the Western World to many.
Let me begin with Clinton’s first aide, a woman who could have been Chief of Staff, when her boss took the oath…Huma Abedin has at best, rather worrying connections, not just by association, but by blood…for example, her mother is an outspoken fan of…
Female genital mutilation
Death penalty for leaving Islam
Participation of women in Jihad
Subordination of Women…
She also has connections to the very crowds likely involved in some of the most pivotal mass slaughter routines of our recent, wretched times…
Next on the list of bothers is Libya…A country which Hilary led the campaign to destroy. Respect where its due, for yes yes! Hilary was successful in destroying the richest African state, a country with free health care, free eduction, close to free power and hugely subsidised petrol. A country which not only stood on its own feet, but was eager to help other African nations learn to avoid the rape, mass slaughter and pillage routine the West has striven towards throughout the dark continent. So well done Hilary, you sent a country with an ever increasing life expectancy, literacy rate, with major moves to de-evolve decision making from their leader to local councils…back to the dark ages!
One of Hilary’s campaign managers openly admitted to vote rigging and a multitude of other crimes. This was of course kept from the mainstream news, the bread and butter of those millions, if not billions, which take the ‘news’ which finds them with a push of a button on their TVS, smart phone, tablets, which they don’t pay for, but someone does, as FACT…From whichever angle you peek at the following it confirms that a man very much part of the DNC campaign for Clinton, employed such tactics as –
…Its useful to ask the Obama fans, what they think of Bob Creamer’s 340 visits to speak with Obama…Likely they will either change the subject or suggest the story is fake. Easier to deny than to ponder the reality.
I could delve into Clinton’s overseer role for her beloved protege Nuland, who has played a very obvious role in the mangling of Ukraine, the demonisation of Russia and the rise of both proper nazis and the other neo nazi crowd. As I could delve deep into the Clinton Foundation, of the very power groups financing IS and Al Nusra, paying millions to the Clinton couple. And then there is her strident eagerness to not just allow and defend diplomatically, but contribute towards the slow moving genocide in Palestine…Yet I am tired, and this all makes me sick…I will turn to comrade Ken to finish but not before adding…
To support Hilary Clinton is to support so much that is wrong with this world, it is to support mass slaughter, regime change based solely on Anglo Zionist global control and profit, in state sanctioned torture, in stealing more from the poor to add to the pockets of the rich, destroying any country which opposes being raped and pillaged and assuredly worst of all, to demonise and demand that Russia bows down and accepts it must be enslaved, or we will push for nuclear war…It can be seen as nothing short of confirmation that you are a brain washed moron or a playful sociopath with no regard even for yourself. Let alone all creatures great and small.
No doubt the same mongs who jump from headline to headline as if pronounced by Mother Nature herself as a warning to all right minded folk will be sharing more carefully conjured, ‘heart-warming’ Obama dedications as he is usurped by the demagogue Donald…My fight against such dead souls is futile…but Ken raises me Lazarus from the approaching and consuming apathy.
And now, with the election close to finished. Trump it is eh! As with the Brexit we find a massive vote against the Establishment. Which is denounced as solely the rise of bigots and racists. When there are clearly a huge amount of people who have simply had enough of the same crowd of sick cunts running the show year after year. And they are voting to say Fuck You to the arrogant evildoers masquerading as leaders for and of the people. Though all too typically, I find bothersome blossomings on social media from the girls with father issues who are too focused on painting themselves righteous to understand that their apparent ‘feminism’ has been co-opted and their moral stance is too easily translated and revealed as verbatim regurgitation of mainstream medicine for the mongs…They are unwittingly part of the problem. Neither a vote for Trump or Clinton was a vote for Feminism…
The lesser of two evils has prevailed, yet what happens next is of more intrigue. Perhaps more people than I realised were made aware of the millions Hilary and her true gent (or rapist) of a husband have raked in from the Saudis, the Qataris, Ukranian oligarchs, the banks, the military industrial complex and the mass media? Or maybe it is simply a case of demagoguery still has some potency, and the mob are by definition mainly comprised of racists and bigots.
Which is a shame, but no major surprise.
This may be good news for the survival prospects of Syria, a slowing down of the march towards WWIII and for anyone hopeful of any slight move towards treating other nations with a slither of respect, and not as slaves of the West. I suspect not, for whilst Trump may hope to wheel and deal with the economy as he has done with his own business interests, where he has fared as well as as awfully, he simply will not be allowed to make any deep and meaningful changes to a system long gone down the road of total corruption and true evil.
The neo-imperialist Machine may well send a message to the world with haste, restart the ‘terrorist attack’ routine in Europe (which strangely stopped completely in the run-up to the election), for the Project for the New American Century cannot be allowed to suffer or stall and how better than to remind people of this than forcing the world to believe that they need the US to continue spearheading the blood drenched path to a new world order.
Whether Bush, Obama, Clinton or Trump, its the same story. We are told to focus on these goons, and assume responsibility lies in their hands. A fallacy, very well orchestrated, but follow the money and you find the real players pulling the strings. Which doesn’t absolve the ‘leaders’ of any culpability, for they are well aware of how they are presented, the scripts they are given, often by telecaster…they must simply enjoy the money. Sociopath swine.
Curious as the election result may be, we may see little change, and I remain convinced and assured that Trump has been chosen, first and foremost by the same pigfuckers who chose Bush, Obama and their predecessors…Personally, I am loosely jolly to find a cretin entering the Presidential reign who has no blood on his hands. Perhaps better a money focused buffoon with few obvious connections to the Machine, than a proven mass murderer openly declaring that more blood will flow…
When will people understand that its the puppeteers who are the real enemy, not the different shapes dangling and dancing on the end of their strings…
All that seems of potential entertainment now is how the real power, the Machine, works to make Donald dance to their tune. For if he doesn’t, he will be put down. Likely in a false flag event to justify another war…on Iran perhaps, or Russia. Why waste such an opportunity? Maybe that has been the plan all along…
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