Protecting our own…and spoon-feeding the sheep

December 5, 2015

“Get out of your trucks now, and run away from them. Warning: air strikes are coming. Oil trucks will be destroyed. Get away from your oil trucks immediately. Do not risk your life,”… …read the leaflets airdropped to our ‘Enemy’ IS, 45 minutes prior to any bombing mission by the US or any of its […]

obama devil

UN General Assembly – Vlad strikes back!

October 5, 2015

“We cannot stand by when the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a nation is flagrantly violated,” Said Obama, last week at the UN general assembly. He was referring to Russia. Which may make sense to the mindless or those simply unaware of the facts. Yet to the rest of us, its heathen talk. That snake devil […]


March 8, 2015

“ISIL is on the defensive, and ISIL is going to lose” spoke the Hype Man for Death Inc last month when seeking new war powers from Congress. The ISIL, IS, ISIS conundrum appears far more complex than the oft repeated talk of ‘blowback’ and ‘kidnapping revenues’ and ‘stolen oil sale’. And for several key reasons, […]