By this stage of my own existence, part of which is focused on global affairs, I have seen more than enough for myself and more than enough for any right minded comrade, to conclude that the main stream media is a commercial propaganda machine.
When people suggest I steer clear of politics, I respond with bother, for my own understanding of politics is that essentially it is decision making at the highest overt level of our lives. These decisions are made on our behalf, which use our taxes and rates, and affect not just our own lives, but the lives of many millions of people across the globe, and in turn all creatures great and small across the globe.
So when I hear people say they have no interest in politics, I feel and think they are saying ‘I have no interest in decisions which affect my life or any other’. Which I find…appalling. For whilst I understand that it seems and is extremely hard to effect any change, to simply shrug shoulders, and accept the demonic pursuit of more carnage, more war, more mass slaughter and I suppose I must add…the very real chance of nuclear apocalypse, strikes me as at best odd, at worst, that the killer priests have the slaves exactly where they want them. As not just true believers of every spoonful of shit they are offered, but apathetic towards any chance of change for the better of even their own lives, let alone others.
The mainstream media is a conglomerate of corporations which seek nothing but profit and power. I mention also power for there are a myriad of deeply powerful crowds pulling the levers in the control room. Of these facts, there can be no doubt.
How many people do you know who still to this day assume that Osama Bin Laden blew up the twin towers, when zero evidence was ever found or proffered?
How many people do you know who consider the brutal death of Gaddafi as something which needed to be done, when the result of our ‘humanitarian intervention’ was to transform a country with exceptional free health care, free education, close to free fuel into a blood drenched badlands of rival tribes?
Iraq? Ukraine? Yemen? Syria? Have our taxes been well spent in destroying these countries? In bombing these countries? In ending the lives of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of innocent lives in these countries?
All of these wretched foreign interventions, instigated by clearly – by any measure – the most obvious and most despicable regime responsible for state sponsored terrorism on the planet, were justified by the Mainstream Media. These billions of dollars and pounds and EUROS we have paid and continue to pay to destroy other nations, to maim and slaughter millions of innocent people in foreign lands; have they helped us or the world? Someone is making money from this, and it is clearly NOT US.
I understand that it could be tricky to revive a capacity for critical thinking, to assume that everything we are told by what we call the ‘news’ is a lie, designed to cow, designed to keep us in line, designed to maintain the killer priests and slaves routine, are lies, are part of a control mechanism. Yet when I show a sample of the all too brief snippets of the reality to others, they truly appear brainwashed, and fail to understand…For example:>>>
“what our air commanders were able to do was to identify…those (oil) trucks which were directly supporting ISIL…We have, and continue to try to withhold attacks, upon that part of the general infrastructure, energy, electricity, water etc…that is also necessary for the people of Syria”
This was the US secretary of defence, explaining that yes yes! for a year or more, the US had watched IS stealing oil from Syria, sending mass convoys to Turkey, and they refrained from bombing them…out of respect for the people of Syria.
To whom does this make any sense, if you believe the West is seriously against IS? To whom?
There are many such snippets of staggering horror, which I could share, but to what end? The MSM has truly brainwashed people so powerfully and expansively that even when the leaders of the ‘war on terror’ admit they are bombing anything but ISIS, that they have seen the oil convoys to Turkey, but left them alone, to support the Syrian people, barely anyone bats an eyelid, instead we find applause, and continued support, continued belief in not just lies, but incredibly obvious support for the very enemies we are told we are fighting against. Support for the most heinous crowds of our own flock.
Which brings me back to Hillary Clinton…who I have come to know as an evil, zionist, vicious wench queen.
This is a proven liar at the highest most despicable level, a woman who has laughed over the death by bayonetting in the arse of the former leader of a sovereign state she helped destroy, a woman whose husband was impeached for not just encouraging an aide to suck his member yet many more similar atrocious abuses of his position to use women as chattel.
My impression of Hillary Clinton is a war-mongering, ultra-zionist, mass deceit merchant suckling the teats of the very powers responsible for most of the world’s woes…
My impression of Trump is a man muddled by the money he has to some degree been born into, a dodgy businessman brimming with bluster unable to differentiate between those who want his money and those who actually like him, a bit of a prick used to getting his own way, who understands that courting controversy makes money.
Given my conclusion, which I am eager to be challenged upon (for I do not want to be right), of the MSM promoting the agenda of a power structure which is killing the world, it is horrifying to find the MSM reports grasped at by people who have no idea of Clinton other than what they find in the headlines, then literally regurgitating the shit they gladly eat on social media, and placing themselves as some form of moral warrior. The MSM says HATE TRUMP, and the mongs HATE TRUMP. It is as pathetic as the MSM saying PUTIN IS HITLER and people repeating the mantra, without understanding or questioning why.
Essentially, if I do not trust a system which delivers what we call ‘news’ which is demonstrably deceitful, time and time again, when hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives are at stake, I find it horrifying to see people taking this system as their source to support Hlilary, to follow a cunt shepherd and repeat their mantras…like mentally enfeebled sheep.
So when they demonise Putin, Trump, Gaddafi, Assad…I make the assumption that proven liars are lying to me, and if these proven liars are bombing the very people they tell me are evil, with zero evidence to prove their reportage, I am inclined to focus solely upon…THESE FUCKERS HAVE BEEN LYING TO US FOR MANY MOONS AND THEIR ENEMIES ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE MY FRIENDS THAN MY ENEMIES, FOR ANY SYSTEM WHICH LIES ABOUT MASS MURDER, ABOUT GENOCIDE, IS A SYSTEM I AM AGAINST.
I do not support Trump. I simply know more of Hillary which is sinister, brutal and very much in support of mass murder. The fact that the MSM is savaging Trump, only serves to confirm my opinions, rather than prompt me to defend a proven war criminal, let alone suggest she is a pioneer of feminism. Shame on such wannabe feminist goons…who know nothing other than what they are told by proven liars.
Hilllary Clinton represents everything that is wrong with this world. For the women, ponder having your man as President, bothered by plentiful allegations of abuse of power, then impeached for encouraging an aide to suck his cock…Would you stay with him? Every woman I have known whom I respect would either leave him or cut his face off…Yet Hillary, she stayed put, and why eh? Out of Love? Out of Propriety? No, her seeking of power is what drives her. nothing less, nothing more, and she has trounced the righteous, lied, attacked, supported the very worst atrocities of Western imperialism, and will prove a perfect prop to continue the staggeringly obvious carnage, overseen by the Anglo Zionist power structure…
I am done with humanity. And must seek the butterflies and waterfalls, any creatures who do not lie to me, over and over again…which live of instinct and hope and love.
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