Below Your Topsoil…

April 30, 2021

Below your topsoil, below the superficial, below the fuckbook ‘likes’ tapped auto-fill to be polite or vapid following the script, when a friend posts something…. beyond the talk of footy or comparable nods to the latest narrative we are told to speak about, by twitter or insta or the ‘news’ we find when simply turning […]

sent pieces of my broken heart as postcards to strangers…

April 27, 2021

‘followed my heart, it never stopped igniting… sent pieces of my broken heart as postcards to strangers…’ Prolyphic is one of those lost in the storm rabid and climbing the tower of Babel modern discourse, who when reminded of, when his voice and poetry and honesty and heart and soul all combine to flow… I […]

spinning the compass…

April 20, 2021

Receiving ugly reflections, in cracked mirrors of CORPORATE overlay they are me…I make nor seek any excuse, that is me…. and I Cannot contest the ‘informal’ addition to my rap-sheet of ‘objectively inappropriate’… I am drawn too easily, weakly, into puerile adversarial combat with words alone from afar, and despise myself quickly for it, as […]

I can’t stand it…

April 20, 2021

  I am closer to sucking the teet of the lower levels of the SYSTEM I FUCKING DESPISE, finding gold added to my pockets for competing ‘mandatory learning’. with such challenging questions as ‘should you report a kiddie fiddler to the police?’ when i am staring at the screen wondering when will appear the option […]

GemS In THe MeGA RouGh- ugly DUcklinGs

April 6, 2021

Any words I can add, instantly decrease the value of that track. Criminally forgotten, yet for whatever long delayed reason, now revived, reprised…. I found an echo of late of a former, brief heartfelt homage to anarchism…Captain Mission on Madagascar, Burroughs,,,and what it taught me was that such a brutal, vicious war must be fought, […]

Rumblings from the War Desk…DROP MORE BOMBS!

April 3, 2021

Whilst forging an ever changing bed of sand on the shoreline today, for the hordes were upon me, the serenity of the same niche yesterday transformed into a magnet for the masses- I was curious of the police helicopters taking turns to swoop in low over the crowds revelling in the unexpected final hurrah of […]