Israel working with Al Qaeda in Syria

January 17, 2017

Much of the last year and no doubt much of the year to come, has been and will be focused on Syria. A country which has been in crisis since 2011, which only now is finding its feet as agreements are reached, and tentatively adhered to by several of the major foreign participants involved. The […]

Mechanical Bambi and THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING!

January 8, 2017

A brief peek at the current crop of wretched efforts at mass misdirection which the MSM is disseminating with stunning breadth and voluminous zeal… Vlad Hacked the US elections! Vlad hacked the Podesta emails! Firstly the electoral voting system in the US is not connected to the internet. Which seems a damn bother when we […]

Obama – A presidency of Tyranny.

December 23, 2016

Whilst many seem prone to sharing carefully conjured collages of Obama, presenting the pigfucker as a decent man, who has done so much good for the world, I hold a different view…one which has not been hoisted upon me, but one of logical analysis of Reality. And so, I ask of you, solely to ponder […]

A new beginning? Or more of the same…?

November 17, 2016

There has been a steady, unwavering path, drenched in the blood of millions of people, stampeded by the ostensibly Washington based powers since WWII. This path is singularly focused on full spectrum dominance. Scores of countries have been invaded, coerced, subjected to devious regime change, attacked by proxy armies or simply destroyed, all in pursuit […]

Hilarious Clinton – A few niggles here and there…

November 9, 2016

(apologies for the garbled nature of the following…I began, then was undone by the FBI input, which derailed my eagerness to rant, for it changed everything…then I continued this evening, albeit lacking enthusiasm…still, some of the below remains valuable, so kindly wade through the word swamp. Cheers, Daniel) I follow global affairs fanatically. Daily poring […]

The Problem with Hillary…

October 14, 2016

By this stage of my own existence, part of which is focused on global affairs, I have seen more than enough for myself and more than enough for any right minded comrade, to conclude that the main stream media is a commercial propaganda machine. When people suggest I steer clear of politics, I respond with […]

9/11 The spark that lit a million fires…

October 1, 2016

It is remarkable to ponder how much the world has changed since September 11th, 2001. The events of that fateful day were the catalyst for what has been branded the ‘war on terror’, yet feels and looks to the millions who have suffered as a ‘war OF terror’. Afghanistan was the first to feel the […]

Use your eyes and your head…

August 21, 2016

And so we have received of late, the most recent offering of a picture perfect moment to add to any sympathy of NeoCon policy, in the shape of a toddler, likely anointed with fake blood, ‘suffering’ the results of the brutal Assad regime. Ponder for a moment that the NATO led horror show, has been […]

WAKE UP…to reality

August 11, 2016

Whilst we focus on the stage show that is the US elections, adorn Trump’s face on the Pinyata, eagerly await the new series of MasterChef and My Kitchen Rules, swoon over the Bachelor despite his face clearly confirming incest, spunk on trees and call ourselves lefties, adopt a position of moral outrage when there is […]

The Devil is Winning…

July 16, 2016 We see Israel supporting ISIS. We see Turkey’s huge oil trade, stolen oil from ISIS controlled regions in Syria. We see an ISIS commander explaining how he gets weapons from Turkey. We see Obama talking of training ISIS, We see an american senator who has been to Syria reporting that the US government […]