There are two very distinct strands to this scene. Firstly, since WWII our military foreign policy has been rather different in nature to what has been spoken about for many hours in the Commons and comparable political stages. Our recent history confirms our army as far closer to mercenaries at the beck and call of corporate interests at home and higher up the ladder on the global scene, than any semblance of do-goodery. We partook wholesomely in the complete destruction of society and much of the infrastructure in Libya and Iraq, wasted countless lives and tax payers money in Afghanistan, and I find it too much of a stretch of the imagination to believe that we have not already been meddling hugely and clandestinely in the US/French/Saudi/Turkish/Qatari creation and support of IS and AL nusra and the other brand names proffered by the propaganda machine we call The Press.
Secondly…It appears that since Russia entered the fray, who were invited into Syria by the democratically elected powers charged by the people with protecting their sovereign state, US and allied air strikes have lessened dramatically. It is Russia who are supplying imagery of oil convoys from IS controlled areas to Turkey, and bombing them. It is Russia who is crunching our proxies. With a little help from Hizbollah, the Kurds and the Syrian army. Given our solid support for NATO ally Turkey, no matter what the hell they do, I cannot help but assume, that british involvement will be on the side of NATO and their middle eastern allies, which is to say, we will be supporting IS and AL nusra and the french created FSA. Which places us in direct opposition to Russia. This has been the game plan all along…
Whilst its naive to assume that Russia are a force for nothing but liberation and decency, their agenda in the region is presently mired in too much haze to understand anything. All we can positively conclude is that they have shown the world Turkey’s involvement with IS/ AL Nusra, and have committed a fair amount of their forces to cause more harm to IS in three months, than the apparent Western coalition managed in a year or three. But what next?
This is not a short term involvement for Russia. It cannot be. For Iraq remains a furnace of insurgency and brutality and has major resources. There is also the anti-Iran sentiment of the West and the Sunni powers in the region. And finally, there is Israel. Putin is investing. In what and for what, we do not presently know. Until we can find any signs of nefarious ill intent, we must stick to the facts. Which are hard to come by unless we take time to delve into the news which doesnt find us. we have to find it. Try the links found here for a less mainstream range of views…
Cameron talks of the french and the UN invitation to join the fray with no mention of any value of Russia leading the fight. Who are our Tornadoes to bomb? Are we to work with the Russians, given their S400 and S300 missile batteries can now hit anything in the air considered a threat not just within Syria, but also much further afield? Are Russia still our enemy when they are clearly doing the most to fight the very enemy we have just declared war against?
I understand the US/Saudi/Turk/Israel/Qatari effort to remove Assad. Energy resources and transit routes are a key factor here, which includes not just the resources of gas and oil in the middle east but the need for the russian economy to sell its own energy resources. Why do you think we had so much desire to ruin Ukraine??? The major transit route for Russian energy into Europe perhaps…Also allowed NATO to gain ever greater presence close to Russian borders. Breaking their own agreement from long ago.
IS oil tankers head into Turkey…
Are we simply seeking a slice of the energy pie of the region? Or are we truly a vassal state of the same elite corporations and power blocs which run the US/Israel and are bedfellows with the Saudis? To ponder we are now officially at war in or with Syria for humanitarian reasons is surely, by now, well beyond the reckoning of any right minded soul…
Further, interesting reading. –
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