Marching towards armageddon as we stroke beards and sup lattes…

May 6, 2017

Where better to start this hopefully brief, yet long overdue return to the War Desk than with those perennial jokers otherwise known as the US Congress. Bill HR 1644 was passed earlier this week by the US congress which includes various measures ostensibly aimed at curbing North Korea’s ‘threat’. Interestingly, this includes the US given right […]

A quick-fire lunch break response to The Guardian’s propaganda office

February 2, 2016

‘In Syria, Iran’s militias and Republican Guards are direct participants in the war crimes that the Assad regime inflicts on its own population. Iran’s close ally Hezbollah played a key role in the siege of Madaya, where children died of hunger as a result, and it is part of similar operations elsewhere.’ ( By now […]

obama devil

UN General Assembly – Vlad strikes back!

October 5, 2015

“We cannot stand by when the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a nation is flagrantly violated,” Said Obama, last week at the UN general assembly. He was referring to Russia. Which may make sense to the mindless or those simply unaware of the facts. Yet to the rest of us, its heathen talk. That snake devil […]

Kim Jong Un

Mega Ghouls and a Society Of Lies

September 2, 2015

Arriving at the Ian Potter centre with 5 minutes to spare before the seats were filled and the speaking began I was instantly taken aback by the seriousness and muscle of the security people. Who seemed more suited to ensuring the safety of Barons and Mega Ghouls than an arts event. Several of whom glared […]

Iran Nuclear deal – Road to Peace or March to Regime Change?

July 15, 2015

scrambled transmissions from a world ablaze… Whilst many rejoice at news of a significant breakthrough in talks aimed at solving the Iranian Nuclear issue, I am one of many who ponder the situation as more grim by the hour. The US has been after Iran for many moons. Since the Iranian revolution rid their land […]

nuclear war

Iran nuclear deal and accompanying issues

April 7, 2015

Iran and the P5+1 group of world powers have adopted a joint statement after marathon talks in the Swiss city of Lausanne calling, among other things, for the removal of UNSC resolutions and sanctions against the Islamic Republic.   According to the solutions, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action for enrichment program will cover a […]

Netanyahu speaks to congress – too hard to stomach

March 8, 2015

I wanted to watch, but my blood was curdling as Benny boy, perhaps the nearest we have to a modern day Hitler, read obsequious line, one after the other, to rapturous applause….but I could not endure any more after this nugget of zionist fascism”‘our operation last summer when we took on Hamas terrorists”…That “operation” killed […]