Only the deaf say Women can’t rap…

December 31, 2018

The finest Women are valuable not because they are Women, like the finest men are not valuable primarily because they are men. Their value, at least to me, is found first, foremost and always in their honesty. ANy hint of Misandry or Misogyny is not found in those I value. Precisely because we have far […]

scrambled transmissions from whatever I was in 2018…

December 31, 2018

What is the value of false mirrors? The problem with Eden, in a biblical sense, is that it suggested a garden, which could never go wrong…and earmarked the character who caused rotten fruit to appear on the branches of such perfect stems, as something EVIL…yet, without that character, lets play the game…without the devil…we would […]

Honesty is more painful a privilege…

December 28, 2018

I see a madman in the mirror. Yet I find his glare reflected in those of staggering fierceness and wild howl. For within me lies and rouses often a beast. There is something of the wilderness which I cannot keep fully quiet. Ever seeking the pulse and throng of vitality that I have found only […]


December 28, 2018

Prince came before it was a social crime to stretch gender and sexuality. He was not condemned, for perhaps people had no guiding principle, from facebook, in terms of how to react, so they did so instinctively. He sexualised women whilst sexualising himself. And was a true pioneer in this regard who could only have […]

Milan Kundera – Immortality

May 5, 2018

A persian friend with moons for eyes mentioned the author’s name to me a while back…knowing I write and read prolifically, and eager to suggest someone I might like and find within his work inspiration. A noble, kind gesture… I didn’t seek out the wordsmith, waited instead for him to come to me. As he […]

Peace in the peninsula?

May 5, 2018

There has been one constant obstacle to peace in the Korean peninsula for many years; the US. Deal after deal after deal has been broken by the US, not DPRK. Even when there seemed a decent chance of some serious thawing of the ice between the North and South in 2000, the US did what […]

All dreams are True,

May 4, 2018

My barometer of poetic endeavour, the delving into the well of my own abyss and reporting every clawing of my talons as I crawl down then up, is…an elf stricken from her dimension into our realm, who has traveled far and wide seeking kinfolk, and now is to be found in her forest lair spouting HACKCORE […]

I want to TaKE You WitH ME

April 27, 2018

Saul doesn’t need to be seen. He doesnt need to look cool. He doesnt need tribal tattoos added to his outline after middle class upbringing and having enough nous to understand it will appeal to the wannabe hippies, or a beard… He solely needs to be heard, and then felt. Which is the way of […]

Wicked WomenPoets PaRT11111111

April 21, 2018

Other than Charlie 2na this track is savagely beautiful art. They are gritty hippies. The tribe I feel closest to, yet never a part of. Those who howl from their depths every time they open their mouths. In between Dub FX’s chaotic rhyme is something with a maddening pulse, and to add this to his […]

GeMS In ThE MEga ROuGH : VOLume VXIXX Bruising MiCs

April 20, 2018

  Its been too much focus on war, war and more war…I have long neglected my eagerness, my obligation, to share with others a reminder of proper hippetyhop. Which is even more important in these ghoulish times of slimy mongs puffing joints and nodding their heads as their prime ‘appeal’…And so, without further ado, I […]