HeroES of Our MangLED TiMEs—MR LIF

October 12, 2021

Mr Lif was one of so very few who stood firm, applied the same appraisal to Obama, as he had to all who came before him. and found him no different from Bush, in some way even worse… given Obama was marketed as HOPE, a back man winning the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE! A NEW DAWN. […]

GemS In The MEga ROuGH – CIse STar – A serpent in the RainBoW

October 1, 2021

Cise Star is the most beautiful soul I have felt but never been close to. He is not solely honest as the leaves and branches, but a powerful poem of the forest… an essence of the wilderness>>> From showing his mad devotion of too many animals to list, his SUn Star ANd Moon passion personified […]

Obama was the closest we have found to a Grand Deceiver…

September 28, 2021

I met  a german couple, well…half of the couple, when mooching around the baltics a couple of years back…I was rather nonplussed to find my rabid confronting of the ‘free walking tour’ lady mumbling vague jokes aboyt Putin and in love with Obama, though it was oddly met by the bright eyed Lady with maniac […]

im a selfish murderer right wing trump supporter….

September 21, 2021

Strangers and friends alike are writing to tell me, im a selfish murderer right wing trump supporter, asking me to avoid having children. because I mention when asked, I have not yet had the vaccine. These people are insane. And absurd. I understand they are under pressure.   Told from every angle that anyone who […]

I’m a cynical bastard (gems in the mega rough VOl-XIVIXIIII) – Immaculate hate on the front lines of these perilous times…

September 14, 2021

I am by every measure a heretic, would have been burned alive in many long gone eras, even now, in many countries, not just were I in  Kabul, but were i spouting my rambling ANTI EMPIRE ROUTINE, in WAshinghton, or London, or Melbourne… I fight to make any semblance of kinship count in the wakefulness. […]

Its already happening/…

August 24, 2021

  I lean often towards the feral. I can relate, yet have this horrid sensation of being misplaced, positioned out of a time and culture I can feel, but not touch or find around me to relate to and resonate with. I have read, delved, traveled… and my position, stance, conviction, is that we are […]

We are lost

August 5, 2021

COnsider me a smart chap who has taken the wrong path. Read my words and consider them outlandish. Throw them away. Hope you enjoy the tunes. I am not sure what Del meant, but his prophecy of VIRUS which brings dire straits to our environment, I cynically, begrudgingly agree, has become our reality. For we […]


July 16, 2021

SUccess. From whom and where do we glean this idea? we all have biological needs and yearnings, to fuck, to fight,,,but what else? We also have a mind, and perhaps…a spirit…. and some of us can still dream in our wake and seek fairytales… many say we are advanced beyond the animals we are taught […]

where can I purchase a ticket to Neptune???

July 2, 2021

I am weird, because I am honest. cringing at myself for bowing to slick prick brutes in suits, for holding my tongue around women with radars wide open seeking ANYTHING Society considers ‘inappropriate’… Those who know me dearly and awfully, who have long accommodated my sporadic spastic, yet immense investment of ROMEO outside of a […]


Who do we trust????

June 22, 2021

ALl of this is going to fall asunder. It need not be nuclear war, which I sincerely believe the UK and US overseers are capable of encouraging in their spastic hubris, to push Russia or China to launch. WHich is worse than the COVID routine which I consider the work of the US permanent government, […]