A quick-fire lunch break response to The Guardian’s propaganda office

February 2, 2016

‘In Syria, Iran’s militias and Republican Guards are direct participants in the war crimes that the Assad regime inflicts on its own population. Iran’s close ally Hezbollah played a key role in the siege of Madaya, where children died of hunger as a result, and it is part of similar operations elsewhere.’ (http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/feb/01/the-guardian-view-on-president-rouhani-european-visit-far-too-soon-to-celebrate-a-changed-iran#comments) By now […]

the flames of WWIII are already burning…

December 19, 2015

The flames of world war III are already burning, so try to avoid it, or work to stop it in its tracks, by which I mean, take down the government, by any means possible. Lets clean up our own houses before fucking up any other countries at the behest of the priests treating us as […]

How far will this go?

December 11, 2015

Whilst the french sing ALLEZ LES BLEUS and recover from a ‘terrorist attack’ and show support for their finest fascists, as their civil rights are eroded, none the wiser en-masse, of their own unwitting complicity in the worst of the world’s traumas, our fine Overseers of the Western Empire have been hard at work elsewhere… […]

Protecting our own…and spoon-feeding the sheep

December 5, 2015

“Get out of your trucks now, and run away from them. Warning: air strikes are coming. Oil trucks will be destroyed. Get away from your oil trucks immediately. Do not risk your life,”… …read the leaflets airdropped to our ‘Enemy’ IS, 45 minutes prior to any bombing mission by the US or any of its […]

Uk to bomb Syria…but why…and who will they bomb?

December 3, 2015

There are two very distinct strands to this scene. Firstly, since WWII our military foreign policy has been rather different in nature to what has been spoken about for many hours in the Commons and comparable political stages. Our recent history confirms our army as far closer to mercenaries at the beck and call of […]

raytheon at Disney

Seeking the truth

November 5, 2015

A dear friend was playing devils advocate today when questioning my sources of information after my demands for her to accept the facts – as I see them – regarding the MH17 routine. Whilst her belligerence was more rooted in ‘giving me crap’ in her words, she did have a point. Which I feel the […]

juarez, Sicario

Sicario review – Benny the Bull in Murder DC

November 3, 2015

I’ve long been a fan of Benny the Bull. Ever since first noticing him as an oddity in The Usual Suspects and with greater intrigue when portraying a chap I knew well from Hunter’s letters, Oscar Acosta in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. He continued his fine form, and branched out into roles with more […]

obama devil

UN General Assembly – Vlad strikes back!

October 5, 2015

“We cannot stand by when the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a nation is flagrantly violated,” Said Obama, last week at the UN general assembly. He was referring to Russia. Which may make sense to the mindless or those simply unaware of the facts. Yet to the rest of us, its heathen talk. That snake devil […]

There is another way

August 13, 2015

For many moons I have been engaged in a haphazard War Desk routine focused on sounding the horn of Judgement and taking aim at the most terrible of global affairs. Hatchet jobs aplenty always leading to the same crowds causing the same woe, not just domestically but across the globe. Always apparent has been a […]

The Anarchist Cookbook

August 8, 2015

Late and bedraggled as is always the case on a Saturday afternoon I flung my two wheeled devil steed through the horrid city traffic and finally found myself outside Abbotsford Convent. I was gripped with memories of my last visit, with whom I cannot recall, yet Oscar was certainly present. ’twas a beautiful summer’s day, […]