a self propagating virus of division and dependency upon our corporate overseers…

July 25, 2020

It was a bother at first, some mega virus on the prowl, will kill millions they told us, then the message got scrambled…. ANd as the State began amping up the threat, the death rate, the horror, I narrowed my eyes and listened to Sage FRancis I watched the statistics grow, as I held firm […]

Honest as the forest…feral as the weasels.

July 18, 2020

We are living in more bothersome times than ever before. THE VIRUS ABOUNDS. Which leaves me worried… mainly of my dear mother goose. And for the old, vulnerable folks close to those I love as family beyond blood. Other than which, I find this cowardly new world of fear, appalling… a major narrowing of avenue […]

gEmS In The MEgA ROugh>> Lodeck, the Hobo and other meaningful sounds and words…

July 10, 2020

I find ever more narrow the listening to find the real poets of our generally appalling species closer to the cockroaches than the lions and primates of whom, we have evolved from to become the product of their primal warfare. LoDeck…is one of this narrowing I find, and anyone found in this narrowing is intense […]

I wish people weren’t led by the television…

July 5, 2020

There is enough campaigning and propaganda elsewhere, for me to feel I can offer anything valuable in support of or cynical opposition towards, and so, I will continue to avoid the rapids of social media and the billion trillion dollar funded encouragement to a specific mindset, and offer what has long been found inspiring and […]

There is a wondrous wilderness to nourish the senses beyond words

June 14, 2020

‘giving the knee’? Ranting at statues and raging ‘shame on you’? The newly found democratic anarchist republic of Spaz? All eyes on America, and then overlaying their manufactured ‘struggle’ onto our own lands…why the fuck would we be looking towards America for a guiding moonbeam or starlight to lead our path to a better world?  […]

Talk to me in smoke signals…rising and sending a message carried by the wind, from what you have burned.

June 13, 2020

I listen to and read every writer I can find who challenges me or feels of the blizzards and high tides, and what I am always seeking is some rare and precious poet who has his spirit, not just intellect, roaring as the howl of the wild. Saul Williams is totem of poetry to me. […]

weasel talk…

June 7, 2020

Programmed to press buttons to peek at screens as soon as I wake, from the haze lingering grisly from my delving into the shadows where I dull my mind, give awful fuel to my feelings, and yet still I can write and write and try to be Right…and what do I find, not in the […]

gems in the meGA rouGH>>> Aesop and KinFolk

May 29, 2020

Aesop Rock. A pure and proper poet, colliding with a rugged flow of not human but tides and wind… for the freestyle crowd…all of whom will know Lord Finesse, but perhaps not know Percy. and beyond the respectful locking of loving horns with the good Lord Finessee>>> who seems solid, but nowhere near as raw […]

Only tidal waves, plagues, earthquakes, meteor strikes have caused any seismic change…

May 22, 2020

We live in a world ruled by tyranny. Who are our governments? These people we now place our trust in to protect us, to crush our ability to prosper and leave us totally dependent on THEM? They have overseen the destruction, dismemberment, maiming, mass murder torture and war profiteering of Syria, Libya, Iraq…as the most […]

Where is the Resistance?

May 15, 2020

For many moons I have been raging against the machine, in words shared with sometimes 20, sometimes thousands, always highlighting the lies, the brutality, the propaganda, the manufactured control of our system at large. The governments are owned by corporations yet masquerade as our leaders. The corporate media are bedfellows with the state media and […]