ALl is AfluttER

November 7, 2020

ALl is AfLuTTer… Our society is under attack, its subtle hidden in the megaphone VIRUS warning, all part of the Great Reset, which at the World Economic Forum, heads of state, Bill Gates, other billionaires and stooges of the trillionaires, was spoken of very clearly. We have long lost our way. SO few have any […]

this feral howl of the wilderness,

November 2, 2020

NINE is wicked, rabid and raw. With classy production…a rare find in the mega rough, from a not yet lost past of our PROGRESS…or whatever people call evolution, as progress is hard to measure, but Nine reminds me, we have some feral beast and wild poetry of humanity drowned out by the megaphone of corporate […]

the voice of nature

i have learned so many words

October 16, 2020

I have learned so many words. Which I can use to show what my mind tries to explain my heart, too often applying some semblance of reason and thin veneer of propriety. and yet, its never the words which I find of anything other than fleeting poetic value, its only ever the feelings that matter. […]

fox in the hounds

The Nature Within

October 9, 2020

I grew up, for a part, in the garden of england…surrounded by violence, forced to run as the fox with the most feral of wolves…drawn into the pulse of beats found in the drugs, my blind mind and innocent then heart prone to believing in the fairytales I have since chased since even when knowing […]

Where ArE WE HEadING????

September 19, 2020

The mass media is a moshpit of mong, so few have any idea of how much the discourse permitted is controlled, right, left or whatever, if you are getting your message from the mainstream, you are playing the servile, bowing with every rinse and repeat of the message you are led to believe is your […]

Seeking the high ground where the lightning strikes…

September 12, 2020

Life has become narrowed. Social media as my main variance of input of humanity. SO I turn to the ocean, throw myself below the surface before Winter relinquishes grasp of the control panel…and the water is ICE…diving in and emerging…its the most alive I have felt since march when i was still swimming at sandringham […]


September 9, 2020

Just like the Skripal saga, the same platforms all connected to the corporate elite and intelligence agencies in the West are megaphone repeating the condemnation of PUTIN DID IT! Also the same is the complete absence of : motive evidence By the way, where are the Skripals? Those poor souls Putin allegedly tried to have […]

I was raised by wild urban wolves…

September 5, 2020

I was raised by wild urban wolves, who scared me as much as offered brutal example, of loyalty, an honour of the beasts. And as I have grown and traveled and learned, I sometimes look back and find their beastliness a mark of feral honour forged in my idea of Right and Wrong, which is […]

wild enough…

September 4, 2020

We are living in troubling times. Everywhere I turn I find encouragement to reveal myself as a label mass promoted by ‘media platforms’ easily traced to corporate interests. ANd I have to remind myself, to avoid playing that game, as in becoming a label, that I have long noticed and concluded that there is clearly […]

where my compass spins

August 29, 2020

Stuck between the reality of movement into totalitarian fascism, getting my head down, trying not to worry that my curfew, my 5km range of movement, my permissible one hour outside my house is not long term, though it looks likely…and…the three nights of the weekend when I don headphones, sup russian firewater, dance in the […]